Author: Lee Camp

[81] Candidate For NYC Mayor Banned From Debates – Redacted Tonight

Lee Camp speaks with Mike Tolkin, a candidate for Mayor of New York City. Tolkin is challenging the Democratic Party incumbent Bill deBlasio and has found himself banned from the debates. This is unsurprising, as having someone to the left of deBlasio doesn’t exactly make the corporatist establishment look good. Yet debates should be where the public learns about all candidates on the ballot so they can be as informed as possible when voting. Lee gives his audience a chance to hear some of Tolkin’s ideas and strategies, then explains why one rarely sees investigative journalism or truth being...

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What They Won’t Tell You About The Fires In California – Redacted Tonight

A majority of Americans want real action on climate change. Yet we all suffer and Earth burns because a handful of billionaires would prefer a tax cut. The same government so bought off by special interests that it’s complicit in the destruction of the planet, is so bought off that it is also complicit in modern day slave labor for profit. Lee Camp discusses...

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