Author: Mike Malloy

You Brought It on Yourself – The Mike Malloy Show

Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, stripped a half-dozen scientists and academics of advisory positions Tuesday and issued new rules barring anyone who receives E.P.A. grant money from serving on panels that counsel the agency on scientific decisions. The move will effectively bar a large number of academic researchers, many of them experts in fields ranging from toxicology to epidemiology, from advising the E.P.A. on scientific matters, since the agency is one of the largest funders of environmental research. Mr. Pruitt was expected to appoint several industry representatives to the panels. He did not impose any...

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Republicans Delay Releasing Tax Bill – Mike Malloy

House Republicans delayed the rollout of their tax bill late on Tuesday, in a sign of early trouble for what party leaders had hoped would be a quick victory. The bill, which had been scheduled for release on Wednesday, was delayed until Thursday, as Republicans struggled with the daunting arithmetic of drastically cutting tax rates without alienating key constituencies by eliminating popular tax breaks. After a day of negotiations on Capitol Hill and confusion across Washington, the House’s chief tax writer acknowledged the delay but vowed to stay on track with an ambitious plan to pass a bill through...

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Protecting Women’s Right To Choose – Mike Malloy Show

A province in Canada voted Wednesday to create abortion clinic “safe zones”, protecting individuals seeking abortions from potential harassment by anti-choice protesters. The legislation would create 50-meter bubbles outside abortion clinics and prohibit protesters from targeting clinic workers or their homes. The Legislative Assembly of Ontario passed the bill with a near unanimous vote, with only one lawmaker voting against the measure. It became law the same day. Following the bill’s passage, Minister of the Status of Women Indira Naidoo-Harris said in a statement, “Women in Ontario will finally have safe and equal access to abortion services, free from...

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Trump On Addiction: Words, Not Action – The Mike Malloy Show

President Trump’s brother died an alcoholic, so it’s hard to dispute that Mr. Trump understands the horrors of addiction. But in what was billed as a major speech on Thursday, Mr. Trump demonstrated that he has not grasped what’s needed to combat the opioid problem and, more important, the ways in which his own policies impede recovery for millions of Americans. He declared the opioid epidemic a national public health emergency, which sounds urgent but doesn’t free any significant new money to fight it. In doing so, he ignored the plea of his own opioids commission to declare a...

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The Nightmare Scenario for C.H.I.P. – Mike Malloy

This was the worst-case scenario for the Children’s Health Insurance Program. In mid-September, I spoke with some prominent advocates, and they had two primary fears as the September 30 deadline to extend CHIP’s funding drew closer: The funding authority would be allowed to lapse. The CHIP negotiations would be complicated by more partisan issues like Obamacare. CHIP’s funding expired on October 1, and the program has now gone four weeks without being extended. States are on the clock: The Georgetown University Center for Children and Families reported that six states expect to run out of money by the end...

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