Author: Mike Papantonio

Testosterone Craze Is Killing People – America’s Lawyer

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio and Attorney Brandon Bogle talk about how AbbVie, the maker of the testosterone treatment AndroGel, has been hit with almost $300 million in recent jury verdicts for deceptive marketing practices. Transcript: Mike Papantonio: Every time that drug companies release a new drug, they pray that it reaches what the industry calls “blockbuster” status. This typically means that the drug will bring in more than a billion dollars a year in total sales. Sometimes this status comes relatively easy, like when a new diabetes medication or arthritis...

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DOJ Finally Does Its Job: White Collar Thug Is Arrested – America’s Lawyer

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio talks about a former drug company CEO who was arrested on charges of bribery and fraud involved in the opioid epidemic. Transcript: And, finally tonight, some good news for victims of the deadly opioid epidemic. A former drug company CEO was arrested and taken in by federal officers on charges of bribery and fraud. John Kapoor was taken in by handcuffs after federal agents raided his home in Arizona. He was charged with bribing doctors in the form of kickbacks to write large amounts of prescriptions of...

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Corp Americas New Way To Steal From You: ARBITRATION – America’s Lawyer

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio discusses, how businesses have been stripping American consumers of their rights with binding arbitration clauses that they tuck into their contracts with attorney, Tim O’ Brien. Transcript of the above video: Mike Papantonio: One of the biggest scams ever collectively pulled off by corporate America is forced arbitration. To put it in its simplest terms – forced arbitration eliminates a consumer’s right to sue corporations when they deceive them. Millions of Americans have agreed to this by signing “arbitration clauses” in contracts; they’re in your credit...

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Big Banks Own Every Ounce Of Our Spineless Congress – America’s Lawyer

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio is joined by Mollye Barrows, Legal Journalist for The Trial Lawyer Magazine, to talk about how the Senate voted to empower Wall Street banks to force its customers into arbitration deals to avoid court. Transcript: Mike Papantonio: A big win for the financial industry was achieved after the US Senate allowed banks to bar customers from filing class action lawsuits against them. At the cost of consumer rights, Republicans successfully completely squashed the rule that would’ve given average citizens more power to resolve disputes and protect...

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