Author: Mike Papantonio

Papantonio: Freedom Of The Press Is Under Attack By The FBI

Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio discusses a case involving the FBI secretly monitoring two journalists working for an anti-war site. Transcript of the above video: Finally tonight, a major victory for civil liberties advocates. After four long fought years, the FBI has finally agreed to turn over records related to its surveillance activities against two journalists for the libertarian website, Journalist Eric Garris and Dennis Raimondo have sued the FBI back in 2013, after they discovered that the bureau had been surveying their site after freedom of information act request with their names listed was posted online. The...

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Papantonio: NFL Owners Make Billions But Leave Taxpayers In Debt – America’s Lawyer

Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio is joined by Mollye Barrows, Legal Journalist for The Trial Lawyer Magazine, to discuss a lawsuit filed by the city of St. Louis against the NFL for relocating the city’s football team and leaving taxpayers to pay off the debt on the stadium. Transcript of the above video: Papantonio: The last few years have seen a rash of professional football teams relocate to different cities, leaving behind many angry fans and taxpayers. Well now the city of St. Louis is taking the NFL to court for allowing the Rams’ football team to move to...

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Papantonio: New Political Movement Takes On Washington’s Status Quo Candidates – America’s Lawyer

Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio talks to Chris Nobel, Legal Strategist for Brand New Congress, about the legal obstacles of forming a new political movement and what it will take to change the status-quo in Washington. Transcript of the above video: Papantonio: The 2018 mid term elections are still more than 19 months away, but there’s already an emerging political movement working to upend the status quo, a political action committee called Brand New Congress is seeking to select and run more than 400 candidates in congressional races across the country that support a progressive political platform. The goal...

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The Dangers Of Invokana: A Diabetes Drug

According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control, more than 29 million Americans suffer from diabetes, and nearly one in four people with the disease aren’t even aware that they have it. With so many people suffering from both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Big Pharma saw an opportunity to make a huge profit. America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio discusses Invokana, a diabetes drug that’s causing as much harm, if not more than the actual disease that it was supposed to treat. Transcript of the above video: According to the latest data from the Centers for...

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