Author: Mollye Barrows

Big Pharma’s Tax Dodging Scheme Stopped In Its Tracks: We Need More Of This!

The biggest drug company in the U.S. won’t be moving to Ireland after all. Pfizer dropped the $150 billion proposed merger deal with Dublin-based Allegran after the Obama Administration cracked down on corporate inversion deals, a move that basically allows a corporation to move their headquarters overseas to cut their U.S. tax bills. The decision means Pfizer will remain a US corporation and the $21 billion in tax revenue it generates will remain in America. Now the future of corporate inversion deals are still murky, but the president and some of the candidates running for his job are renewing their call...

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Panama Papers: Clinton Fought Hard For Corrupt Trade Agreement While Bernie Fought Against It

At a time when anger is surging over the gap between the wealthy elite and the tax-burdened middle class, the controversy over the Panama Papers will no doubt fire up voters in the U.S. presidential election, and especially the battle for the Democratic nomination. Hillary Clinton is perceived as part of the global elite, and it is this same global elite who are under fire for hiding vast amounts of wealth in tax avoidance schemes. Clinton also pushed for a trade agreement with the country at the center of the scandal, Panama; a trade agreement Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders argued against. The...

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The Panama Papers, Bernie Sanders, And Why You Should Care: An Overview

The business dealings of numerous world leaders, politicians, and celebrities are in the spotlight today, accused of hiding fortunes offshore. The information, found in the trove of leaked documents dubbed the “Panama Papers,” reveals a list of the powerful and wealthy, including drug barons and other individuals who were allegedly connected to a Panama-based law firm, which sells offshore shell companies. The exposé once again emphasizes the need for financial reform and for government leaders who are responsible. The unprecedented data leak of 11.5 million records originated from Mossack Fonseca, the world’s fourth largest offshore law firm.  An estimated...

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Cuba’s Lung Cancer Vaccine Headed To U.S.: From Embargo Comes Innovation

Lung cancer is a killer. A fact the people of Cuba know well, since it is the fourth leading cause of death in a country known for fine cigars. Now American researchers are studying a Cuban made cancer vaccine, called CimaVax, used to protect people there from the deadly disease for decades. “We’re still at the very early stages of assessing the promise of this vaccine, but the evidence so far from clinical trials in Cuba and Europe has been striking,” said Dr. Kelvin Lee, with the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York, the research center evaluating...

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Economic Insecurity Is At The Heart of Minimum Wage Debate

If you check out Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ website, across the top is the banner statement: “Nobody who works 40 hours a week should live in poverty.” Part of his plan to tackle that issue includes raising the federal hourly minimum wage to $15, a proposal that has many conservatives leaning on old arguments that a higher minimum wage kills jobs, hurts small businesses, and only benefits teenagers. There are plenty of studies that will lend support to arguments both for and against a higher minimum wage, but the debate is really about economic insecurity. Political “outsiders” like...

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