Author: Richard Eskow

Fox News and the Religious Right Attack Muslim Author

The Fox News channel launched another interview attack on reason, logic, and scholarship over the weekend. Their chosen target was renowned religious scholar Dr. Reza Aslan, in regards to his new book “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.” The book focuses on the life and works of Jesus Christ from a scholarly and historical standpoint. So why the fuss? Aslan is a Muslim. Since the book’s release, Aslan has been met with praise, as well as harsh criticism. Sadly, though, the negative criticism that Aslan has seen has been not from fellow scholars interjecting with their...

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Trayvon Martin Loss Forgotten Amid Accusations of Racism

What’s truly sad about this incident is that a teenager needlessly and senselessly had his life ended and the only thing that many people can talk about is racism. So many have only focused on the fact that Trayvon Martin was African American, and called those opposing Zimmerman racist, saying that they only take issue with Zimmerman killing an unarmed kid “because he was black.” The argument that this would not have been an issue had the victim been white, female, or elderly is absurd. And to argue that Zimmerman was justified because Martin was “thuggish” or “suspicious” is...

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Papantonio: Time To Legalize Medicinal Marijuana (VIDEO)

  The federal government has consistently overreached in their efforts to block medical marijuana research.  To even begin to study a research group will require a license from the DEA, which is virtually impossible; and then, of course, the researcher needs a legal marijuana source.  The DEA also consistently refuses to grant even temporary licenses to allow legal marijuana imports for medical research.  At the same time, those same gatekeepers keep repeating the mantra that there is, today, insufficient research and study to meet the FDA’s standards for drug approval.  This is, in itself, kind of a giggle moment...

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Rove Cries Foul, Crossroads GPS Spends Secret Money Just Like The Rest

Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (GPS), a 501(c)(4) social welfare group that claims to dedicate itself to pursuing political issues at hand, has recently been questioned over it’s political overspending. The group’s co-founder, Karl Rove, was left scratching his head after the accusations, wondering why his group had been singled out when other “… groups have operated for decades in the same way GPS does without Democrats complaining,” he said. The answer to this question is simple: over the last two elections, Crossroads GPS has outspent more than any other 501(c)(4) organization using political funds . For instance, In October...

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Student Loan Interest Rate Bill Support Snowballs

Ever since proposing the Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has amassed heaps of support in only a few short days, according to The Huffington Post.  A petition in support of the bill, started by, has already gotten over 250,000 signatures. The Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act is Warren’s first-ever Senate Bill and proposes a near-zero percent interest rate on student loan payments, the same rate as corporate banks.  The Federal Reserve says that giving banks the low rates “is essential amid a lackluster economy.”  Warren asserts that with students and...

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