Author: Ring of Fire Radio

Not as Free as You Think. Wikileaks Destroyed What We Knew About Western Freedom

Western culture has, since its inception, prided itself on the idea that they were free. Enter Julian Assange, enter Wikileaks and the dissolution of that narrative. Wikileaks and Assange, along with their collaborators have lifted the veil of secrecy and stripped away the warm blanket of perceived liberty that kept the west comfortable at night. Even if you can ignore the particulars of what Wikileaks has done to Western culture, the concept of freedom, as it was was once understood, is no longer intact. Now, what was once only suspicion or fear, that the governments of the nation were...

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Who Invited These Guys Again? They Were Wrong About Iraq Then, And Will Be Now.

Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Paul Bremer, and Doug Feith were the Bush-era, neocon cheerleaders architects that pushed the 2003 invasion of Iraq over the airwaves. Collectively, these guys swore that Saddam hussein was developing nuclear capabilities and that the regime had massive WMDs. Well, all of that turned out to be untrue. There were no WMDs and there were no nuclear capabilities to speak of in Iraq. Now that violence is flaring in Iraq once again, the mainstream media is asking these men what they think of the state of affairs in Iraq. What’s worse, these men are hardly...

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Remember Freedom Industries? They’ve May Have Spilled Waste Into the Elk River Again.

Freedom Industries, the company that prompted a state of emergency in West Virginia after spilling 10,000 gallons of a dangerous chemical into the Elk River, may have once again spilled chemicals into the Elk River. ThinkProgress reported that inspectors from the Department of Environmental Protection detected a broken sump pump that was preventing overflow wastewater from getting into a storage tank. The overflow happened at the same site as the January 9 spill. West Virginia American Water said that tests showed no sign of the chemical 4-Methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM). However, local media reported something entirely different. According to WOWK, a...

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Conservatives Continue Wanting to Deny Women the Right to Vote

Women’s right to vote was resolved on June 4, 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified. But as it turns out, some conservatives out there still find the idea appalling, nearly 100 years after the conversation and debate ended. Super-silly Christian David Barton said the women’s right to vote was an affront to the family foundation of America. Whatever that means. Barton said that the “framers of the Constitution . . . were just pro-family. . . , bestowing women with the right to vote has ruined the family.” But then again, this is coming from a guy who...

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