Author: Ring of Fire Radio

Papantonio: Right Wing Hate Will Not Go Away (VIDEO)

I saw a story this week by a talented young writer with I like that site as a source because they are always able to catch the edges of bigger picture trends in the U.S. – less fluff, more news. Elias Isquith told the story about longtime lunatic Phyllis Schlafly appearing on a radio talk show with a level of lunatic talk that even exceeded the norm for the demented old Phyllis. Phyllis told an audience that was no doubt just as crazy as herself that she was extremely worried that the United States was allowing polygamists Muslims...

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Papantonio: The Republican Disease Weakens Critical Thinking (VIDEO)

  Somewhere in the last four or five decades, Republican politicians got the idea in their head that the “R” that was there to identify their party affiliation actually stood for “R” Regressive or “R” Reactionary Rube.  I mean, why is it that every time you hear the loudest, buffoonish diatribe about issues like climate change, stem cell research, education, or religion or damn near anything that demands rational analysis – the buffoon delivering that regressive diatribe is a Republican.  Is it a chicken or an egg analysis that we should apply when we are listening to one more...

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