Author: Ring of Fire Staff

The Equifax Breach: What Hackers Know About You – America’s Lawyer

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via America’s Lawyer: Attorney Peter Mougey explains how the Equifax data breach could affect the American consumer and speaks with attorney Michael Bixby about the details surrounding the hack. Transcript: Peter Mougey: In May of this year, as Americans were planning their summer vacations and counting down the days before their kids got out of school, the credit reporting agency Equifax was dealing with one of the largest data breaches in American history that resulted in the personal data of more than 143 million Americans getting into the wrong hands. To...

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U.S. Has A Long History Of Abuse And Neglect Towards Puerto Rico

In recent days, the lack of concern from American politicians towards the plight of the hurricane-ravage U.S. territory of Puerto Rico has taken center stage. But the reality is that this country has been ignoring the struggles of the island nation for decades, and the hurricane response from the Trump administration is just a continuation of that. Recently, Mike Papantonio and attorney Peter Mougey discussed the long, troubled history of Puerto Rico and how the United States has consistently denied basic rights to our fellow citizens down...

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Pensacola Powerhouse Attorney Mike Papantonio Releases New Legal Thriller – Pensacola News Journal

This week, local news highlighted Mike Papantonio’s new book, “Law and Vengeance.” Order your copy today! Via Pensacola News Journal: Pensacola hot-shot attorney Mike Papantonio has a lot to say. Besides being a senior partner with powerhouse firm Levin Papantonio, the 63-year-old attorney is also co-host of the “Ring of Fire” syndicated radio program, along with Robert Kennedy Jr. and Sam Seder. He also hosts “America’s Lawyer” on RT America, where he largely tackles corporate malfeasance. But even those outlets aren’t enough to tell the whole story — and they definitely aren’t the forum for a little artistic...

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