Author: Ring of Fire Staff

TV Show “America’s Lawyer” Wants Whistleblowers To Tell Their Stories

The stories that we cover on America’s Lawyer on RT America are stories that the corporate-controlled media refuses to talk about. They can’t talk about these stories because the same companies that are facing massive lawsuits for deceiving their customers are the ones that outlets like Fox, NBC, CBS, and ABC all depend on for advertising revenue. On RT America, we don’t have corporate shareholders, we don’t take money from corrupt corporate advertisers, and therefore we can tell you the whole story.  And many of the issues we discuss were brought to light by whistleblowers who spoke out and...

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New Low For Republicans – Silencing Elizabeth Warren For Quoting Coretta Scott King

In her opposition to Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, Senator Elizabeth Warren took the floor and attempted to read a letter from Coretta Scott King, wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., about the dangers of Sessions’ deeply racist beliefs. Unfortunately, Mitch McConnell shut her down and forced her off the floor, showing an incredible amount of both sexism and racism in one move. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Senator Jeff Sessions is currently going through confirmation hearings. They’re actually supposed to have the final vote today, may have already happened by...

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Not Just Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer Invented Phony Terrorist Attack, Too

Sean Spicer isn’t going to let Kellyanne Conway be the only member of the Trump administration that gets to blatantly lie on television, so he’s been hyping a bogus “Islamic Terrorist Attack” in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. And just like Conway’s Bowling Green Massacre, Spicer’s Atlanta attack never occurred. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Everybody knows that Kellyanne Conway has a real problem when it comes to actually telling the truth but Sean Spicer doesn’t want to be left out of the action here. He’s seen that Kellyanne Conway is getting...

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Rosie O’Donnell Wants To Play Steve Bannon On SNL, Please Make This Happen

After Melissa McCarthy’s outstanding portrayal of Sean Spicer during last week’s SNL, Rosie O’Donnell volunteered her services to impersonate White House advisor Steve Bannon on the program. An online petition has been created to make this happen, and we encourage everyone to sign on and give the Trump administration exactly what they deserve. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: After seeing the enormous backlash from the White House over Melissa McCarthy’s portrayal of Sean Spicer, Rosie O’Donnell decided she wanted to get in on the action, undercut the administration a little bit more....

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