Author: Ring of Fire Staff

The NRA’s “Good Guy With A Gun” Pitch Is No Match For Escalating Gun Rampages

Criminal justice expert Pete Blair, from the Texas State University, revealed data from a recent study confirming mass shootings in the United States are steadily on the rise and that putting more guns into civilian hands is doing nothing to deter them. The data exposes flaws in the National Rifle Association’s “good guy with a gun” pitch, where the association claims that arming more civilians is the “only way” to stop mass shootings from occurring. Blair’s research, set to be published in July 2013, states that of the mass shootings that occurred through 2000-2010, many of the attackers were heavily...

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Second Fosamax Femur Injury Trial Begins

Opening arguments against the manufacturer of Fosamax (alendronate sodium), Merck, started yesterday in a New Jersey federal court. This is the second lawsuit in which the plaintiff suffered a femur fracture (upper leg/thigh) from the use of the osteoporosis drug. Merck is under fire from mounting evidence that use of the drug causes bone weakening, making bone fractures and breaks, especially in the femur, more likely. In March 2013, the first femur lawsuit against Fosamax ended in a mistrial when the plaintiff suffered an illness unrelated to the case. However, Merck is still facing thousands of additional lawsuits where...

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Education? Not My Job

During an email exchange last week between State Representative James Lockhart (D) and colleagues at the Oklahoma State Capitol, State Representative Mike Reynolds (R) stated that he and fellow lawmakers are not responsible for making sure students have access to a college education.  Reynolds’ statement comes on the heels of the recent proposal to expand Oklahoma’s “Promise,” a program provides low-income students with opportunities to receive college scholarships. During the email exchange, Lockhart told the story of Austin, a student who earned a 32 on the ACT and had kept up a 4.39 GPA during his schooling. However, because...

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Republicans Blast EPA, Protect Big Ag

Senate Republicans proved there is something to hide by slamming the EPA last week for releasing information on concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) to environmental groups.  Senator David Vitter (R-LA) along with other Senate Republicans on the Environment and Public Works Committee believe that the EPA released too much information about CAFOs, non-sustainable, inhumane big businesses, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request last year. The Republican Senators sent a letter to the Acting Administrator of the EPA, Bob Perciasepe, on Thursday, demanding that the EPA brief the Environment and Public Works Committee on the information given to environmental...

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Indoctrinated Youth, Teenager “Destroys” Liberal Conspiracy on Fox

Despite the majority of scientists agreeing that global warming is occurring and is largely man-made, conservatives are now using a 13-year-old’s library research to validate their opinion that climate change is a hoax. Alex, from Wilmington Indiana, received temporary fame on Fox News on Thursday, when they reported about the 13-year-old Rush Limbaugh caller who “schools liberals” on global warming. Limbaugh offered to send him an iPad to aid him in continuing his important research. The child called the Rush show to discuss a recent debate he’d had about global warming. He spoke like an indoctrinated pro, telling Rush...

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