Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Proposed FINRA Rule 8313 Changes May Increase Transparency

Last week, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) received a proposed amendment to Rule 8313 from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Rule 8313 governs the release of disciplinary and other information by FINRA to the public. The proposed amendment to Rule 8313 would establish general standards for the release of disciplinary information to the public to provide greater information regarding FINRA’s disciplinary actions, clarify the scope of information subject to Rule 8313 and eliminate provisions that do not address the release of information to the public. The proposed rule would eliminate the publicity thresholds and adopt general standards...

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RNC Chair Accuses Democrats of Advocating Infanticide

Conservatives continue attempts to take away a woman’s right to choose by demonizing Planned Parenthood through misinformation and fear mongering. Reince Priebus, the Chairman for the Republican National Committee wrote yesterday that mainstream media bias is responsible for covering up Planned Parenthood’s Democrat-backed support for infanticide. In his Member Diary on, Priebus went on the attack about the obscure testimony of a Planned Parenthood representative, by saying that Planned Parenthood endorses post-birth abortion. During testimony before the Florida Legislature, Republican legislators posed a series of hypothetical questions regarding extreme abortion cases. Planned Parenthood representative, Alisa LaPolt Snow responded...

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Google Files Petition to Combat Unwarranted Online Searches

To oppose the unwarranted search and intrusion into the private lives of American citizens, Google has filed a petition challenging the practice of issuing National Security Letters (NSL) by the government to obtain private data about its users. On March 29, Google filed a petition with the U.S. District Court of Northern California. The task of deciding the fate of users privacy has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Susan Illston, who just recently ordered the government to stop issuing NSLs across the board and cease enforcing gag provisions where they have already been issued. In keeping with its...

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Study Shows Pradaxa Use May Increase Risks of Viral Infections

News-Medical reports that a study by the University of North Carolina (UNC) exposed that the use of the blood thinner Pradaxa (dabigatran etexilate) may increase the risk of contracting viral infections, making the patient more vulnerable to illnesses such as influenza (flu) and myocarditis, a viral heart infection responsible for causing sudden death in children and adolescents. The blood thinning medication, used to reduce the risks of blood clots and strokes in patients who suffer from non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF), increases the viral risk by blocking a primary coagulation component, thrombin, in the body’s natural blood clotting system. This blockage can negatively affect...

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More Guns Mean More Money for the NRA

In a sad attempt to halt their imminent liquidation, The National Rifle Association has proposed putting armed guards at every school in the nation. While this appears to be a noble proposition to protect our nation’s youth, it is also an easy way for the NRA to make a large profit. Marian Wright Edelman, President of the Children’s Defense Fund, criticized the plan as “nothing more than a continuation of the N.R.A.’s attempts to prey on America’s fears, saturate our schools with more guns and turn them [those schools] into armed fortresses.” The NRA claims to have children’s best...

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