Author: Ring of Fire Staff

GOP Chairwoman Sue Everhart Warns of Same-Sex Marriage Fraud

In a statement reported and published by the Marietta Daily Journal on Saturday, Georgia GOP Chairwoman Sue Everhart warns that legalizing same-sex marriage could open the door for marriage fraud by allowing straight people seeking marital benefits to easily take advantage of the system by faking a gay marriage. With an increasing number of Americans voicing support for marriage equality across the nation, Everhart’s statement seems to be another tactic being used by opponents within the GOP to sway those who support the legalization of same-sex marriage. “You may be as straight as an arrow, and you may have...

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Senate Silently Denies Social Security Cuts During Budget Battle

While mainstream media focused on political figures pushing cuts for Social Security programs, the Senate quietly approved an amendment to their budget proposal put forward by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (I) that stopped cuts. The Sanders Amendment denied a proposed change to how cost-of-living increases are calculated, a change that would result in significant cuts for Social Security beneficiaries if ever implemented. The amendment opposed switching from the current method of measuring inflation to a chained consumer price index (CPI). President Barack Obama favors a chained CPI as part of what the White House calls a “grand bargain” that...

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Schools are Teaching Kids Tactics To Fend Off Mass Shooters

In response to the Sandy Hook massacre, schools across the nation are taking different approaches to train and protect their students from possible future attacks. Wayne LaPierre, an NRA spokesman, recently suggested that armed guards should be present in every school nationwide. After his statement, many schools jumped on the bandwagon. An Ohio school board approved arming their janitors and a ruling in South Dakota permits teachers to carry a concealed weapon. But perhaps one of the most controversial precautions schools are taking is teaching their students to not run and hide, but instead to fight back in the...

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Do You Have A Medical Malpractice Case?

In its simplest form, medical negligence is the failure of a healthcare provider to render care and treatment to a patient that another reasonable healthcare provider would have rendered under like or similar circumstances.  If the failure causes you injury that you otherwise would not have suffered but for the failure, then you likely have a medical malpractice case. It is important to understand that just because you suffer a bad outcome or injury while being treated by a healthcare provider does not necessarily mean that medical malpractice was committed.  Unfortunately, patients do experience bad outcomes and injuries on...

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Robot Arm Breaks Inside of Patient During Surgery

Intuitive Surgical, Inc, the manufacturer of the da Vinci robotic surgical arm, is being sued after a patient sustained injuries during a surgery performed in 2007 when part of the da Vinci robotic arm broke off inside the patient. Surgeons were unable to remove the broken piece from the original incision, in the patient’s rear end, and had to make a larger incision at the site to extract the piece. In similar cases, other injuries reported from the use of the da Vinci machine have included rectal damage during prostate surgery, perforations of the liver and spleen during heart...

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