Author: Ring of Fire Staff

College Fires Woman For Having Pre-Marital Sex

A San Diego teacher is suing the Christian college where she worked before becoming pregnant.  Teri James, 29, alleges that San Diego Christian College fired her after she became pregnant because she engaged in pre-marital sex. When Teri was hired on as a financial advisor for the college in 2011, she agreed to comply with the school’s moral codes that ask that employees and students abstain from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco as well as “sexually immoral behavior,” which they define as “premarital sex, adultery, pornography and homosexuality.” But the college later offered a job to Teri’s boyfriend, who, by...

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Romneys Blame Failed Presidential Bid On Everything But Mitt’s Policies

Further proving how out of touch the Romneys are, Ann Romney said in an interview this past weekend that she is “happy to blame the media” for her husband’s failed election attempt. In an interview on Fox News Sunday, Mrs. Romney discussed what she saw as the Romney campaign’s and the media’s failure to let the American people see her husband for “who he was.” Host Chris Wallace asked about reports that stated Mrs. Romney and her son, Tagg, were frustrated that the Romney campaign didn’t “let Mitt be Mitt,” and that they didn’t let him “show his more...

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Alabama Republicans Happy To Leave Impoverished Public School Students To Fail

As politicians regularly use the promise of improved education to get elected or re-elected, so goes the way of Alabama politics.  However, in an area that is struggling with dismal funding and substantial drop out rates, Alabama Republicans drove the knife a little deeper in the public education system this past week. The state congress gleefully pushed through a controversial bill that promises huge tax rewards to those parents who take their children from struggling public schools and enroll them in private schools.  It is Alabama’s version of the “voucher” program.  It is a way to get wealthier children...

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Bikers Are More Toxic than Cars According to GOP Science

In another round of questionable Republican Science, one GOPers’, Ed Orcutt (R-Kalama), comments about a new Washington-state bike tax shows complete lack of common sense and knowledge of basic science. The sales tax, included in a proposed transportation bill, would create a disincentive to the use of a transportation mode that does little to no damage to streets or the climate for a small amount of revenue. Washington state lawmaker Ed Orcutt, bike tax supporter, stated in an email to a constituent that bikes are unhealthy and bad for the environment, showing a complete lack of understanding of basic...

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Syrian Government Massacre Leaves 72 Dead

In a report yesterday, the Syrian government was accused of executing 72 citizens in a village outside of Aleppo. The Syrian National Coalition, the country’s main opposition group, charged President Bashar al-Assad’s “terrorist regime” with executing and burning the bodies of 72 people after a raid on the village of Malkiyeh, near a town in the east of Aleppo province. According to the Aleppo Press Center, an anti-regime activist organization, only 49 of the bodies have been identified; the rest were burnt beyond recognition. It was reported that the victims included women, children, and elderly citizens. Of the 49...

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