Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Televangelist Pat Robertson Is Now A Climate Change Expert

The man who believes that hurricanes are God’s punishment for things like homosexuality thinks he knows more than climate scientists. Pat Robertson dismissed the correlation between severe winter storms and climate change yesterday, saying, “Only in Princeton would people say nutty things like that.” His remark was directed toward a Princeton study that projected less snow but larger winter storms and blizzards as carbon dioxide rates increase over the next 50 to 60 years. Robertson went on to say of the scientists who conducted the study, “You know, they get to be Ph.D.s and they wonder where they’ve studied...

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Bittersweet Vindication For The Scottsboro Boys A Step Closer

The Alabama Senate voted February 21, 2013 to pardon the young black men, commonly referred to as “The Scottsboro Boys,” who were convicted more than 80 years ago of raping two white women.  The state action is hailed as a progressive move that is long overdue.  Nine young black men from Georgia and Tennessee were accused of raping two white women on a train traveling in Alabama, and all of them were convicted in a trial in Scottsboro.  One of the women later recanted her allegations. Because Alabama law does not allow pardons after the death of a convicted...

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Public To Obama: Stand Up To Republican Obstructionists!

A recent poll shows that American’s priorities agree more with President Obama’s positions than with the GOP.  A Pew Research Center/ USA TODAY poll reveals that the American public believes that Obama has the better approach to immigration, gun control, budget deficit, and climate change than Republicans. The poll also finds that the majority of Americans believe the federal budget deficit is the most important issue to focus on in the immediate future, followed by gun control, immigration, and climate change. On the budget, 76% believe that the solutions must involve a combination of tax increases and spending cuts,...

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Fox Hosts Forget What Rape Actually Means

“When all you do all day long is sit around and argue with crazy people, it affects your rational judgment,” says former Fox contributor and current Ring of Fire host, Mike Papantonio. Bob Beckel stunned even his Fox News cohorts Tuesday when he blurted out, “When’s the last time you heard about rape on a college campus?” during a round table discussion about Colorado legislation that would allow women to carry concealed weapons at college for protection against sexual assault. Beckel has been a Democratic political contributor to Fox News since 2000 and joined the network in 2011 as...

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BP Attorney Fighting Federal Fines

Rupert Bondy, general counsel for BP, says he doesn’t expect his client to be found grossly negligent for the 2010 Gulf oil spill. The non-jury civil trial is set to begin on Monday in the New Orleans court of Judge Carl Barbier, and will apportion responsibility for the oil rig disaster among BP and its contractors: Transcocean and Halliburton. BP recently reached a settlement in their criminal case and agreed to pay $4 billion, and, just last week, Transcocean agreed to a plea deal of $400 million in criminal penalties.  Neither settlement included an admission of gross negligence, though...

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