Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Why Smoking Bans Are Pro-Life

A recent study suggests that banning smoking in public places is associated with a reduced risk of preterm birth.  The study has significant health implications, as preterm delivery contributes to a whole host of serious respiratory issues and long-term medical and social implications for the affected infants.  Women who smoke during pregnancy are known to have babies with a shorter gestation and impaired fetal growth.  In addition, medical researchers have long suspected that second hand exposure to smoke may also harm the unborn. The study was conducted in three phases, and reductions were seen in each of the phases....

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GranuFlo Makes Massive Profits While Causing Heart Attacks

GranuFlo, a dialysis drug manufactured by German-based Fresenius Medical Care, has been linked to sudden cardiac arrest and death.  On November 4, 2011 Fresenius sent out an internal memo warning that failure to account for an excess of bicarbonate resulting from an ingredient contained in their product, GranuFlo, was associated with “… 6 to 8 fold greater risk of CP arrest and sudden cardiac death in the dialysis facility.” Fresenius Medical Care is the nation’s largest operator of dialysis centers (treating more than one third of all Americans receiving dialysis), the leading supplier of dialysis machines and disposable products,...

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Pradaxa Manufacturer Has History of Illegal Activities, Ties To Controversial Groups

Pradaxa has been linked to more than 500 deaths in the United States, yet it remains on the market as a “safe” drug. The FDA approved Pradaxa in October of 2010, as a new alternative to the existing anti-clotting drug warfarin; however, unlike warfarin (brand name Coumadin), there is no antidote to reverse Pradaxa’s blood-thinning effects. Many doctors and members of the medical community, as well as the families of victims who bled to death, wonder why the FDA allowed a dangerous drug to enter the market, particularly without having an option to reverse its side effects. Both Pradaxa...

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Investing for Retirement: When They Change the Rules

With the economy on the upswing, companies are beginning to tweak their 401K’s for a host of reasons. No matter the reason for the change, now is the time for investors to reevaluate their 401K plans and decide what is best for them. This year, IBM made an odd adjustment and decided to make their 401K matches on December 31. The significance is two-fold; workers, who leave during the year except for in retirement, forfeit their contribution match for that year. Further, any interest that may have been accrued during the year is foregone. IBM is an outlier in...

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Bank of America Still Not Held Accountable For Deceptive Mortgages Practices

Bank of America (“BOA”) litigation woes continue and more claims are certainly on the horizon.  BOA recently announced an $11.6 billion settlement with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The settlement is in connection with its 2008 acquisition of mega mortgage lender Countrywide and the bad mortgages it issued. In order to lessen the blow to its bottom line, Countrywide will sell more than $800 million in mortgage servicing rights. This settlement will reduce its outstanding mortgage repurchase demands by more than 40%. The settlement includes $3.6 billion in case and $1.3 billion specifically for fees related to foreclosure delays....

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