Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Bipolar Drug May Benefit Down Syndrome Patients

The American Medical Association reported today that researchers in Genoa, Italy have discovered that Lithium may be helpful in reducing cognitive deficits in patients with Down Syndrome.   Lithium is a staple in the treatment of patients with serious psychiatric illness such as bipolar disorder.  Down Syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21, occurs when there is an extra chromosome #21.  The condition has existed for millions of years and was present in primates long before being documented in man.  While it is often characterized as an “ancient condition,” there have been few gains in medical science aimed at preventing the...

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Michelle Obama Winning The War On Childhood Obesity After First Decline Seen In Years?

The American Medical Association Journal reported this week that obesity has taken a downward turn in children for the first time in years. Government researchers from the Centers for Disease Control, including Dr. Lipling Pan, reported that obesity and extreme obesity among children seems to be on the decline.   In the first national study of its type, involving  27 million children from 2 to 4 years of age revealed, a decrease in obesity from 15.21% to 14.94% was identified.  In addition, extreme obesity fell from 2.22% to 2.07%.  Obesity is defined as having a body mass index above the...

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Rock Stars Live Faster, Die Younger Than The Rest Of Us

The Centre for Public Health at John Moores University and Professor Mark Bellis  recently released results of studies from data compiled over the past 50 years to demonstrate that musicians are more likely to die young than the rest of the population.  The results were published in the online journal BMJ Open. This result is confirmed even more strongly among US musicians, where universal healthcare is not yet in place and access to guns is unlimited, according to the study’s researchers. The Independent News reported that Professor Bellis decided to look at the details of the tragic and premature...

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Using IQ Alone To Assess Intelligence Is Not Smart

The largest study to date on human intelligence demonstrates that intelligence can not be measured accurately by IQ tests alone.  The test involved 100,000 people from around the world and 12 different mental tests. Critics of IQ testing have long claimed that the tests are seriously flawed and fail to consider various components of  human brain function and its distinct mental traits.  For example, IQ testing attempts to measure intelligence quotient but does not take into account short term memory, reasoning ability and verbal ability – all of which are important aspects of intelligence. Roger Highfield, director of external...

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FDA Warns Unapproved Medications Distributed By Foreign Firms Puts US Patients At Risk

The Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) has warned hundreds of medical practices in this country that they could have received medications not approved for use in the US, including Botox, that may be dangerous to patients.  With the upswing of Botox use during the holiday season, the warning is timely. The FDA statement notes that healthcare providers in this country purchased medications from foreign suppliers that may be contaminated, ineffective and perhaps unsafe.  The suppliers are reportedly owned by Canada Drugs and distributed under the names Quality Specialty Products, A+ Health Supplies, QP Medical, Bridgewater Medical and Clinical Care,...

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