Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Fosamax Brief Could Change The Legal Landscape For Generic Drug Litigation

By Bill Cash September 17th, 2012  9:25am Last week, on behalf of several patients injured by generic versions of the drug Fosamax, Levin Papantonio lawyers Brandon Bogle and Bill Cash filed a brief arguing that generic drug companies should be responsible for the damage caused by their drugs.  The issue is currently pending before the United States Court of Appeals at Philadelphia, and that court will soon decide whether the patients have the right to bring a case.  The case is called Welch v. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Fosamax, a drug in the bisphosphonate class of drugs, is designed to reverse the effects of osteoporosis and build healthier bone in the human body.  But the drug has been associated with potentially crippling side effects stemming from the way the drug works.  In some patients, the drug actually leads to the formation of more dense, brittle bone that leaves patients vulnerable to damage and injury.  Some patients have developed a disabling disease known as “osteonecrosis of the jaw,” in which the jaw essentially rots away and has to be surgically removed and replaced with metal.  Other patients have developed what have been termed “atypical femur fractures” after long-term use of the drug. Generic versions of Fosamax came onto the market in 2008.  Last year, the Supreme Court held that federal law required the generic drug companies to use the...

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UPDATE: Whistleblower Awarded $104 Million In UBS Fraud Case

By Erica Reed September 13th, 2012  7:36pm Story updated below with a transcript from Mike Papantonio’s interview with attorney James Kauffman on the whistleblower settlement, and why it should scare Mitt Romney. This week the Internal Revenue Service awarded Bradley Birkenfield $104 million; the largest whistleblower reward in history.  Birkenfield earned the reward by providing information to the IRS that led to UBS AG’s offshore banking practices bust. Birkenfield, a former Swiss banker, provided information of “exceptional depth and breadth” that led to the assessment of more than $5 billion in fines, back taxes, and penalty charges.  Birkenfield served two and-a-half years in prison for a fraud conspiracy conviction related to the case.  That charge landed the bank a $780 million fine as well as an agreement to surrender its list of clients that the IRS suspected of tax evasion.  The list included thousands of tax-cheats who had been suspected of using offshore accounts to hide assets. The Internal Revenue Service rewarded Birkenfield in connection with his participation through their Whistleblower program. The program, established by the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006, may provide informants with between 15 and 30 percent of the total proceeds paid to the IRS that flow from the information provided.  The program only provides the reward where the amount identified is greater than $2 million or where an individual taxpayer is...

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Papantonio: How Whistleblowers Brought Down Countrywide

While there isn’t one single company responsible for the subprime mortgage meltdown or the cratering of our economy, but if you did have to narrow that list down to just a few names, Countrywide Financial would be as close to the top as possible. Just this week, whistleblowers have come forward to expose even more fraud and corruption within the company, and they’re now telling us that Countrywide was ripping off American taxpayers for millions and millions of dollars. Mike Papantonio talks about the latest blow to Countrywide with attorney James Kauffman. I Want To Report Fraud...

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Papantonio: Industry Covers Up Blood Thinner Dangers

One of the first things that George W. Bush did when he took office was to pack every possible federal agency with industry hacks. The result is that we were left with an FDA staffed with former employees of drug manufacturers like Pfizer, Merck, and Bayer. Those industry insiders were more concerned with helping their former employers by approving deadly drugs than they were with protecting the public’s safety. Mike Papantonio discusses the latest in a long line of dangerous drugs that have been approved by our still-industry-friendly FDA with attorney Ned McWilliams. Pradaxa...

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Papantonio: Women Are Being Crippled With Transvaginal Mesh Implants

Most consumers are aware of the risks of prescription medications. There’s plenty of literature available that shows the dangers of drugs like Vioxx, Fosamax, and Yaz, but there aren’t a lot of people out there talking about medical devices. And as we’ve witnessed in the past decade, our FDA is so inept and so corrupt that faulty medical devices are reaching the market at an unprecedented rates. Mike Papantonio talks about the latest in medical device recalls with attorney Robert Price. httpv:// Transvaginal Mesh...

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