Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Papantonio: Private Industry has Ruined Healthcare

The GOP believes that the private insurance industry can do a better job at running healthcare than the government. Unfortunately, they are the ones who’ve been in charge while things have gone down the tubes. Mike Papantonio appears on Fox News’ Bulls and Bears to discuss the reasons why the government could do a much better...

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Papantonio: Scott Brown – Another Trickle Down Republican

Last week, Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown unveiled his “fresh” new ideas to help our economy – cut taxes! Apparently Mr. Brown has no recollection of the last 3 Republican administrations, who all cut taxes and plunged our economies into a recession. Mike Papantonio appears on Fox News’ Bulls and Bears to discuss Brown’s brain dead...

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Papantonio: Obama – A Populist at Last

President Obama announced that he was beefing up funding for the Small Business Administration, which is expected to increase job creation. But the biggest opponent is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Mike Papantonio appears on Fox Business’s Happy Hour to talk about why the Chamber must be stopped in order to create sustainable jobs in...

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Ring of Fire Radio for Saturday Feb 6, 2010

Another Great Show this weekend, Bobby is back! On the show this weekend, Stephanie Miller, Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Jeff Ruch from PEER, Dr. Mark Hyman and his wife Dr. Pier Boutin on Haiti, and we will revisit Pap’s last interview with the late great Howard Zinn. He will be missed. Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment...

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Papantonio: The Supreme Court’s Five Circus Midgets

Fascism is a word that is overused when one political interest group is describing the bad conduct of another opposition political interest group. The politics of fascism is not difficult to understand. But I have heard plenty of college professors complicate the definition of fascism to the point that it would be tough to recognize if it knocked on your front door. At the core of fascism, you will always find unchecked power of big money industrialists controlling the messages of mass media. You could search the history books forever and you would never find an instance where those...

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