Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Papantonio: The Fearful Fringe

In 2009, the truly terrified hysterics rushed out to buy guns of every description. There were many times you couldn’t buy 9mm or 40 caliber shells even for target practice because production couldn’t keep up with demand. What was everyone afraid of? Here is the short list: America elected a “Negro president.” Democrats were going to take everybody’s guns. The liberals were planning a “take over.” The immigrant hoards were going to rape and pillage. And there was the threat that some ill-defined world catastrophe was always knocking at our door in 2009. The world was surely ending and...

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10 Biggest Wall Street Lies of 2009

If I were to tell you that the economy was doing great today, or that banks were lending more money to consumers, or that Wall Street bankers are working around the clock to help people afford new homes, you’d easily be able to tell that these statements are false. And yet those are just a few of the lies that Wall Street bankers insisted were Gospel truth in 2009, and for the most part, the public actually believed them. Mike Papantonio interviews author Nomi Prins, who has compiled a list of the 10 biggest lies that came from Wall...

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Papantonio: Yaz is Killing People

When politicians get caught blatantly lying to the American public, it will usually destroy their career. But when corporations do the same thing, they just continue with business as usual. This is the case with Bayer Pharmaceuticals who have lied to the American public about the dangers of their blockbuster birth control pill Yaz, which has caused all sorts of serious problems for consumers, including several deaths. Not only did Bayer mislead the public about these dangers, but they failed to do the necessary testing to make sure these drugs wouldn’t harm their customers. Mike Papantonio talks with Tim...

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Today on Ring of Fire! January 9, 2010

This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern Today on Ring of Fire, author Nomi Prins will be here to tell us some of the biggest lies that the fat cat bankers on Wall Street fed us in 2009. Comedian Matt Filipowicz will talk about Rush Limbaugh’s newfound love of socialized medicine, and he’ll also give us some insight into why the GOP is still deathly afraid of Dick Cheney. Political consultant Doug Schoen will drop by to tell us how to fix the major problems facing our democracy – which includes reforming the so-called mainstream media. And we’ll also take a look at two dangerous products that are currently on the market and causing irreversible damage to American...

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