Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Papantonio – Gadolinium: the General Electric Cover Up

When GE Healthcare came out with a new MRI contrast dye almost two decades ago, they told doctors that their new product would allow them to get clearer pictures of patients and make diagnosing brain tumors or other abnormalities easier than ever. What they didn’t tell these doctors was that their own lab tests showed that the main component of this dye, called Gadolinium, was causing irreversible diseases in lab rats. And once these effects were seen in human patients, the company continued to deny that their contrast dye was to blame. Mike Papantonio talks with attorney Troy Rafferty,...

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Papantonio: The Banking Industry – America’s New Thugs

When Thomas Jefferson told us that the banking institutions would be “more dangerous than standing armies,” he had no way of foreseeing the TARP treachery that bankers have pulled off with $500 billion of taxpayers’ money. But in 2008, Obama saw the beginning of that treachery when he watched America’s most powerful bankers grovel like pathetic paupers begging for...

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Obama’s Big Sellout – Matt Taibbi

During his campaign, Barack Obama surrounded himself with progressive leaders who believed that we could prevent another economic crisis by enforcing tougher regulations for Wall Street. However, once he took office, he sent those progressives packing, and filled his cabinet with former Wall Street insiders who want to keep the system operating out of the scope of the government. This isn’t the “change” that we were expecting, and this is one of the reasons that the president is now facing an uphill battle to win back the votes of his base. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. talks about the president’s...

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Why Is Paul Minor Still Behind Bars?

In a recent unanimous decision, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned federal bribery charges against prominent Mississippi trial attorney Paul Minor, offering a ray of hope that Minor will soon be a free man. Minor has spent the past three years a political prisoner, left to rot in jail after partisan operatives in the Bush administration targeted him for being the top funder of Democratic candidates in Mississippi. Minor was convicted in 2007 along with John Whitfield and Walter “Wes” Teel, the Mississippi Democratic judges he was wrongly accused of bribing through campaign contributions that were perfectly legal and common practice among donors of all political persuasions in the state. Among the charges against Minor were federal bribery and honest services fraud, for which Minor received a draconian 11-year sentence that he is now serving at federal prison camp in Pensacola, Florida. Minor and the judges appealed immediately, arguing that jury instructions were botched in the trial, allowing jurors to incorrectly convict without evidence of a clear and unambiguous exchange of official acts for the contributions, or quid pro quo, between the judges and Minor. In the wake of the Fifth Circuit ruling, which reversed the federal bribery charges, Minor will now have his case sent back to the lower court for re-sentencing. That’s great news for justice in America, but the fact is that Paul Minor should...

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The Dangers of Glenn Beck

Here at Ring of Fire, we’ve been covering the crazy antics of Glenn Beck before he became a pseudo-celebrity on Fox News. Since then, this talking head has evolved from someone who occasionally made outrageous remarks, to a dangerous ideologue with equally dangerous followers. This past weekend the Fox host announced that he would be teaching his followers how to become a strong political force in this country, and that he would be writing an instructional manual to show them how to supposedly take back their country. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. talks about how dangerous this man really is...

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