Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Papantonio: Jim DeMint Aids Terrorism

With all of the recent scrutiny airport security has come under, you’d think that making our airlines safer would be a top priority to any politician. But that isn’t the case for Jim DeMint, who is single-handedly holding up the nomination of President Obama’s pick to be the head Hiw To Ger Your Ex Back of the TSA. Mike Papantonio appears on Fox Business’s Happy Hour to set the record straight about DeMint. Hiw To Ger Your Ex...

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Limbaugh, DeMint, and the Crazy GOP

Matt Filipowicz, whose been keeping tabs on the insanity of the GOP, offers Ring of Fire radio listeners his unique and humorous insight into some of the most absurd news stories that happened over the last few weeks, including Rush Limbaugh’s newfound love of socialized medicine, and why the GOP is still deathly afraid of Dick Cheney. Limbaugh, DeMint, and the Crazy GOP: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part...

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Happy New Year From Ring of Fire!

We hope everyone has a great 2010, and we wanted to thank you all for making 2009 the best it could be. Today we’ll be airing The Best of Ring of Fire, with guests Rep. Alan Grayson, Karl Frisch, Greg Palast, and Pierce O’Donnell. We’ll be back next week with an all new Ring of...

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“God Hates Lady Gaga” Fred Phelps Sings!

Fred Phelps has made a name for himself bringing hate to the world through his ministry, the Westboro Baptist Church, and his website “God Hates Fags“. He protested outside Matthew Sheppard’s funeral. He protested the funerals of soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. He protested outside Sascha and Malia Obama’s schools. We all know the Reverend Fred Phelps can bring the hate. But did you know that he can sing? Well, he can! After announcing plans to protest outside Lady Gaga’s January 7th concert in St. Louis, Phelps released the following video where he proves to the world that he...

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