Author: Ring of Fire Staff

RFK, Jr. and Rep. Alan Grayson on Healthcare Reform

As the healthcare debate rages on in Washington, its always comforting to know that there are still a few Democrats in the beltway who won’t back down and won’t compromise what they believe. One of those people is Congressman Alan Grayson from Florida, who isn’t afraid to speak his mind and call out the Republicans when they mislead the American people. And we’re pleased to welcome Congressman Grayson back to the show, to give us an update on some of the hottest issues being debated in Congress right now. RFK, Jr. and Rep. Alan Grayson on Healthcare Reform: Part...

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Fixing the Wrong Healthcare Problems

If you happen to believe what the right wing talking heads are telling you, then you probably believe that our government can’t run a healthcare system, and that the only way to bring costs down with healthcare is to let private insurance companies continue to call the shots. Not only are both of these claims completely false, but they both address the wrong issues with our healthcare system. The problems we should be addressing are availability of services, quality of care, and accessibility. These are just a few of the issues that Ian Mitroff addresses in his new book...

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Lieberman Kills Public Option

Last weekend, Joe Lieberman told Harry Reid that he will filibuster any healthcare bill that contains reforms that would help the American people. These days, Lieberman is looking a lot less like an Independent, and more and more like one of those tea-bagging right wingers that dress up like Paul Revere on the weekends. Luckily we’ve got comedian Matt Filipowicz to give us some insight into the increasingly unstable mind of Joe Lieberman. Lieberman Kills Public Option: Part 1 / Part...

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