Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Papantonio: Optimism Driving the Economy

With the Senate expected to pass a healthcare bill lacking the public option, stocks are on the rise. But is this a correlation that Wall Street is pleased with less government? Mike Papantonio tells FOX Business otherwise, and that the market reflects the mood of the...

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Papantonio: Wall Street Perp Walk

President Obama has been pushing for big banks to start lending to more small businesses to help create more job growth in the US, but is it those risky loans that got this country in this mess in the first place? Mike Papantonio appears on FOX Business to talk about how it’s time for big bankers to hold up to their end of the...

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Papantonio: Is Rasmussen Wrong Again?

Since taking office in January, President Obama has been battling issues like Healthcare Reform and Bank lending, but a recent Rasmussen poll shows that fifty-five percent of Americans disapprove of Obama’s performance as President. Mike Papantonio appears on FOX News’ Happy Hour to explain how Obama should look past polls and focus more on the...

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Pap and Bobby Uncover the News

Pap and Bobby Kennedy, Jr. uncover some of the biggest news stories of the past week – stories that the mainstream, traditional media didn’t feel were important enough to make the headlines. Pap and Bobby Uncover the News: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part...

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