Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Papantonio: Erik Prince – Our New Peter Pan

It’s easy to read J. M. Barrie’s children’s story, Peter Pan, and miss the point that it’s a tale about more than a man-child’s carefree life among pirates and mermaids. Investigative reporter Adam Ciralsky wrote an expose’ about a real life Peter Pan by the name of Erik Prince. Ciralsky’s expose’ appeared in Vanity Fair Magazine this month, and I got a chance to interview Ciralsky about the qualities of Erik Prince, America’s most infamous mercenary. When Erik’s father died, he left Erik more than a billion dollars to play with. Those were the good ol’ days for Erik...

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Papantonio – The Path to Sustainable Jobs

Last week, President Obama began his job creation summit, where he laid out plans to create thousands of new jobs for America workers. At the same time, Newt Gingrich and the GOP unveiled THEIR ideas for job creation, which is basically to give rich people tax breaks. What we really need is a program that will help employ workers, while at the same improve our country’s infrastructure, which is exactly what the folks over at the New America foundation are proposing. Mike Papantonio talks about the sustainable job growth program with Michael Lind, the policy director of the economic...

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Obama Quits, Cedes Presidency To Lieberman

You might think that Joe Lieberman is happy. And he is. With his threats of a filibuster, he successfully got Harry Reid and Barack Obama toremove the public option and Medicare buy-in from the Senate health care bill. But, as you will see in this exclusive video, those are not the only capitulations that Joe is happy about. Take a...

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