Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Papantonio: The Tiger Woods Distraction

Tiger Woods is making headlines for his marital indescretions, but are there more serious problems looming in his future? That’s what some in the mainstream media want you to believe, as a doctor who once treated Woods was found with performance enhancing drugs. But as Mike Papantonio tells us on Fox Business, there is currently no evidence at all that links Tiger to steroid...

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Papantonio: Inflation is a Good Thing While some folks are predicting the end of times based on a moderate rise in inflation, others are keeping cool. As numerous economists have pointed out, including some Nobel Prize winners, moderate inflation is actually good for the economy. Mike Papantonio appears on Fox Business to set the record straight about the moderate inflation we’re now...

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Pap and Jim Hightower Discuss Obama’s War

Part 1 Part 2 If you heard a funny sound when Obama announced that he was sending an additional 30 thousand troops to Afghanistan a few weeks ago, it was probably the sound of 65 million progressives slapping their foreheads in disbelief. After more than a year of campaigning where he promised us change, Obama delivered a George Bush-style war escalation that has left those of us paying attention with a bitter taste in our mouths. Mike Papantonio talks with progressive blogger, author, and radio commentator Jim Hightower, who says that Afghanistan is now, officially, Obama’s...

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RFK Jr – It’s A Crime

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. captured Anti-mountaintop removal (MTR) rally attendees Monday by calling out corrupt politicians and calling it a crime what the coal companies are doing. Filmed 2pm Monday December 7, 2009 at a rally to save Coal River Mountain from...

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