Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Papantonio: GOP Purity Test Echoes Berlin in 1933

The tea partying fringe has new standards for their candidates. They are very specific about how a Republican candidate must think in order to be acceptable to their new GOP. A Republican candidate will have to meet 8 out of 10 requirements on economic and social issues in order to be considered a true Republican. Heretics need not apply. It is no less than the kind of “purity” test a GOP candidate might expect if they were applying for a leadership position in the “Sons of the Confederacy.” The last time we saw a political party demand ideological purity...

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Papantonio: The Change Myth

President Obama ran a campaign based on “Change”, but after almost a year in office, we have to ask if anything has really changed. We still have Wall Street insiders calling the shots on Obama’s economic team; 2 wars going on at the moment with an additional 30,000 troops headed to Afghanistan; and just as much secrecy as Bush gave us. Is this the “Change” we believed...

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Papantonio on Cavuto – Dec 10th, 2009

Leaders in the EU are proposing tax increases to help their countries pay down the deficit. The Republicans in America are talking a big game when it comes to reducing our deficit, but they just don’t want to be the ones to have to pay for it. Mike Papantonio appears on “Cavuto” to debate the issue. The GOP is up in arms over the fact that the Democrats want to raise the debt ceiling. They seem to have forgotten that, not only did Bush squander a $500 billion surplus when he came into office, but he increased the debt...

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This Week on Ring of Fire!

This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern This week on Ring of Fire, Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi will be here to tell us how President Obama has gone back on his word to rein in Wall Street corruption by filling his cabinet with insiders from the financial industry. Congressman Ed Markey will join us to talk about the latest round of environmental victories that have come out of Washington, and we’ll also get his analysis of this week’s climate talks in Copenhagen. We’ll also be talking with Vanity Fair correspondent Adam Ciralsky about the secret life of Blackwater founder Erik Prince, and he’ll tell us why the CIA considers him one of their most valued assets. And Michael Lind from the New America Foundation will be here to discuss the president’s plans for creating sustainable jobs for American workers. And don’t forget to join us on Facebook. Just click on the Facebook icon on the left side of our...

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Glenn Beck Proves Carbon Dioxide Is Safe

With the Copenhagen climate talks under way, Glenn Beck wants America to know that he is not happy with Barack Obama or the Environmental Protection Agency. He is not happy that the EPA has said that Greenhouse gases “threaten the public health and welfare of the American people” and that the pollutants – mainly carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels – should be regulated under the Clean Air Act. On his radio show, Glenn claimed that because carbon dioxide is exhaled when he breathes, that carbon dioxide is, therefore, safe. But Glenn didn’t stop there. As you will see in this exclusive video,...

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