Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Pap and Greg Palast on WTO Summit

The World Trade Organization recently met to talk about issues ranging from the global economic meltdown, to the best way for countries to cut their carbon emissions. But if you look beneath the surface, you’ll see that not only was the WTO one of the biggest culprits in crashing the economy, but they’re also working to prevent any type of meaningful climate-friendly laws to be adopted. Mike Papantonio talks with Greg Palast, best-selling author of “Armed Madhouse”, who recently caught up with the leaders of the WTO and uncovered information that had been classified until now. Pap and Greg...

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This Weekend on Ring of Fire!

This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern David Bender will be filling in for Bobby Kennedy this week. Today on Ring of Fire, actor Hal Sparks will be joining me to talk about the double standards of today’s media, most notably with the protests that erupted over Adam Lambert’s performance at the AMA’s. New York Senate candidate and president of the Economic Future Group Jonathan Tasini will be here to tell us about his efforts to recruit Democratic candidates to stand up against President Obama’s troop increase in Afghanistan. We’ve also got comedian Matt Filipowicz to tell us how Glenn Beck has been able to convince 26% of the American public that President Obama actually stole the 2008 election. And David will be taking your calls LIVE at 866-303-2270. And don’t forget to join us on Facebook. Just click on the Facebook icon on the left side of our blog! Join our blog...

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Papantonio: Government Liable for New Orleans Levee Failure

Part 1 Part 2 Since the first days after Hurricane Katrina, when the streets were still under water, many residents of New Orleans and its surroundings have maintained that the flood that wrecked their lives was the government’s fault, and that the government should pay for it. This was a major uphill battle for residents in these areas, as a major class action lawsuit against the federal government seemed unlikely to see the light of day. However, through the dedication of a team of the nation’s best attorneys, not only did the case make it to court, but a...

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