Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Papantonio: Obama is “Bush Lite”

Stanford University produced a study that showed that voters are repulsed by politicians who don’t deliver what they promised. According to Stanford, “flip flop”, mealy-mouthed candidates always lose their voter base. David Axelrod should force Obama to read that report titled “Candidate Inconsistency and Voter Choice.” Voters dislike inconsistency. They are infuriated by bait and switch political policy. Obama’s situation can be explained with easy math. The Stanford study says if a politician is perceived as inconsistent in his commitment, he will lose 14% of his support. But Obama was only elected by a margin of 8%. Uh...

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RFK, Jr. and Ralph Nader Discuss a Possible Parliamentary System

Shortly before the 2008 elections, billionaire Warren Buffet made headlines when he said that he wasn’t paying enough in taxes. While this statement made the GOP want to gag, it really highlighted an ugly truth about our current political system – The rich get richer while the poor get taken advantage of. But what if the super-rich people like Warren Buffet and George Soros and Ted Turner all came together to create a better society where the wealthy actually did their part to help the rest of the country? That’s exactly the kind of society that Ralph Nader has...

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Papantonio: Force the Insurance Industry to Operate in Free Market

For decades, the insurance industry has been able to operate outside the legal reach of the federal government when it comes to things like price-fixing and anti-trust laws. But the proposed reforms to healthcare in America could take away that exemption for them. The GOP is now insisting that this will force small businesses to close their doors, and that forcing the insurance companies to finally compete in the free market will actually drive costs up. Mike Papantonio appears on Your World with Neil Cavuto to debate the...

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This Week on Ring of Fire! November 27, 2009

This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern Today on Ring of Fire, Congressman Alan Grayson will be joining us to give us the latest update on the state of healthcare reform legislation, as well as the legislation he co-sponsored with Ron Paul to audit the Federal Reserve. We’ll also be talking with Karl Frisch, senior fellow at Media Matters for America, about the growing danger posed by Fox’s Glenn Beck. We’ll also be talking with best-selling author and attorney Pierce O’Donnell with us to talk about the recent legal victory for residents of New Orleans, where a federal judge ruled that the negligence of the Army Corps of Engineers led to the failure of levees in Hurricane Katrina. And our good friend Greg Palast will be stopping by to give us a preview of what to expect from next week’s World Trade Organization summit. And don’t forget to join us on Facebook. Just click on the Facebook icon on the left side of our blog! Join our blog...

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