Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Papantonio: Sarah Palin, The Perfect Voice for the GOP

Seven in ten Republicans say they would vote for Sarah even though less than 30 percent of all American voters polled said she was qualified to be President. The good news for Republicans is that they have finally found their true voice in Palin. Since their defeat in 2008, they have been trying to arrive at a state of equilibrium. Pundits on all sides were asking, who are the Republicans? Who best represents the face of the GOP? Anyone asking those questions should feel a sense of relief because Palin is telling us, Look no further. “It are...

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Papantonio: Democrats and Obama – Do or Die

The Senate is working around the clock to come up with a healthcare bill. But, as Mike Papantonio of Air America’s Ring of Fire points out, the only way to improve our current insurance-industry-based healthcare system is to repeal the McCarren-Ferguson Act, which allows insurance companies to fix prices and drop clients for no reason. By forcing this industry to operate on the same playing field as the rest of the economy, we could all be looking at lower premiums and better...

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Papantonio: Generation Recession

If you’re wondering why voters under the age of 30 tend to vote by a margin of 2 to 1 for Democrats over Republicans, it might have something to do with the fact that they are hurting more during this recession than the baby boomers. Not only are they having to fight the boomers for entry-level jobs, but they’ve been hit with higher college tuitions and student loan debt than any generation before them. But these young voters saw hope in Obama, and thought that they might finally get an ally in the White House who would help the...

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Sarah Palin Goes Rogue On Martha Stewart

As you may have heard, in an interview on CNN’s Showbiz Tonight, Martha Stewart had some less than flattering things to say about Sarah Palin. Stewart said of Palin She’s very boring to me, very boring. And a very, to me, kind of a dangerous person. I mean, she’s dangerous. She speaks, she’s, she’s so confused. And anyone like that in government is a real problem. Well, I don’t have to tell you that those are exactly the type of fighting words that can make a former Alaskan Governor go rogue! And rogue she went! Watch in this exclusive video as...

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