Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Rupert Murdoch, Glenn Beck, and the Google Fight

This past summer, Glenn Beck kicked off his mental meltdown by saying that President Obama has a deep-seated hatred of white people. Any self-respecting executive would have the sense to condemn these remarks, but not Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch came out this past week and actually said that Beck was correct about Obama. This was just the start of a bad week for Murdoch, and he’s now accusing Google of stealing his content by linking to it on the Internet. Just another GOP loon that our good friend and comedian Matt Filipowicz has been keeping an eye on, and spoke...

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Fred Phelps Protests Obama Children’s School

If you think the crazies in the GOP are settling down, you’d better think again. They revved up their efforts this past week to protest everything from abortion to healthcare, and some of these protests were even carried out at Sasha and Malia Obama’s school. You can’t get any more desperate than that. On the other side of the capitol, we had Michelle Bachmann leading the charge for a group of teabaggers outside the White House to condemn Obama and the Democrats for trying to get healthcare reform passed. There’s no question that the entire GOP has gone off...

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Today on Ring of Fire! November 21, 2009

This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern Today on Ring of Fire, America’s leading consumer advocate Ralph Nader will be here to talk about his new novel “Only the Super Rich Can Save Us,” which shows us what life in America could be like if we put consumers ahead of corporations. We’ll also be talking with Robert Weissman, the president of Public Citizen, about how the banking industry is filling up the campaign coffers of the Congressmen who are trying to reign in their industry. We’ve also got investigative journalist Lizzy Ratner with us to tell us how the young generation of Americans are feeling the effects of this recession much more severely than the rest of us. And don’t forget to join us on Facebook. Just click on the Facebook icon on the left side of our blog! Join our blog...

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Pap and John Perkins Discuss “Hoodwinked”

Author John Perkins is no stranger to economic scandals. After all, he started his career as an economic hitman, where he would help corporations force smaller nations to go along with their economic scams so that CEOs could get a larger bonus every year. That’s why he wasn’t surprised when our financial system completed fell apart. He saw the signs a long time ago, and although he has since repented his ways, it was the very tactics that he used as an economic hitman that took down our economy. Mike Papantonio talks about how all of this happened with...

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