Author: Ring of Fire Staff

Casting Doubt on Climate Change

If you’ve ever listened to a Republican-stacked talking head show, you probably think that scientists are evenly split about whether or not global climate change is real. And while they’ve been successful at making this point over and over again, the truth is that there is no debate in the scientific community. Human beings are responsible for climate change and scientists know that. So how did corporate America and the GOP convince us all that this was in doubt? Through decades of crafty public relations and by using their echo chambers, they’ve made Nobel prize-winning scientists look like mental...

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Pap and Naomi Klein on Climate Debt

While industrialized countries like the United States, China, and India continue to argue over the best way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, small, underdeveloped countries are already starting to feel the effects of global climate change. The worst part is that these countries have done very little to contribute to the problem, yet they’re the ones who are paying the price. Ring of Fire’s next guest says that the US and other carbon emitting countries need to be footing the bill to protect these areas, by what’s known as climate debt. Mike Papantonio talks about this concept with Naomi...

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The Truth About the Teabaggers

Ever since the tax day tea party march on Washington, smaller teabag protests have been popping up all over the country. The only problem is that these protestors don’t really know what they’re protesting. Some think they’re opposed to government spending, others say they’re protesting Obama’s plan to take away their health insurance, and there are still some out there who believe they’re protesting to force Obama to release his birth certificate. Luckily, our good friend Brad Friedman from The Brad Blog caught up with some of these protestors recently and found out what, exactly, it is that they’re...

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Papantonio: The Death Penalty Discussion

For years, opponents of the death penalty have claimed that putting murderers and rapists to death is either too expensive, too cruel, or just too time-consuming to bother with. Their solution is to let these people continue to live out their lives in a jail cell. However, doing this denies victims and their families from ever achieving true justice. Mike Papantonio rips apart the death penalty opponents’ arguments in this week’s Pap...

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