Author: Scott Millican

Pharma Price Gouging Out of Control

Last week, Martin Shkreli managed to make the entire United States angry by buying the rights to a generic drug and then raising the price by over 5,000% overnight. What Shkreli did is deplorable, but he didn’t invent that scheme – that’s how Big Pharma has been operating for decades. Ring of Fire Contributor Howard Nations...

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Trump vs Fox News

Last week, Donald Trump announced that he would no longer be appearing on Fox News because he believes that he has been treated unfairly by the right wing media outlet. Let’s take a minute to soak in the irony of this entire situation – Had Fox News not invited Trump on their programs many years ago, he never would have gotten into American politics and he’d still be hosting his asinine reality show on NBC. This is truly the case of Frankenstein’s monster turning on its own creator. The other great irony is that President Obama, who gets attacked...

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Ben Carson Thrives On Hate

In recent days, Dr. Ben Carson has said that a Muslim should never be allowed to be President of the United States. He then said that a Muslim could be President, as long as the Koran was completely re-written. After that, he told reporters that he would absolutely use religious affiliation as grounds for probable cause. In a more perfect world, these comments would have caused his campaign to crash and burn beyond the point of recovery. However, in this hate-filled country that we live in, these anti-Muslim comments are actually sending his poll numbers higher and higher, and...

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