Author: Sydney Robinson

Republicans Want To Make Running Over Protesters 100% Legal

As the nation mourns the death of Heather Heyer, murdered by a domestic terrorist and neo-nazi in a car, lawmakers are seeking to protect motorists from liability if and when they do the same. In six states, legislation is being considered to ultimately legalize hitting and running over protesters who block roadways, the answer to frequent calls from anti-protest Republicans. Ring of Fire’s Sydney Robinson discusses...

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Bannon Moves Out of the White House – Was He Fired or Did He Quit?

According to sources inside the White House, White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon is out. Reports are unclear at this time whether Bannon was fired by the President, or if he resigned of his own will. This news comes just days after Bannon publicly bragged about drawing negative press away from the President by calling a reporter to rant wildly about the weekend’s tragedy. According to White House insiders, pressure has been mounting against the President to remove Bannon from his counsel because the former Breitbart head often clashed with many other figures in the administration. Of all of...

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Heather Heyer’s Mother Won’t Take the President’s Calls

The mother of murdered activist Heather Heyer says she has no intention of speaking with the President after he equated her daughter’s behavior with that of the Nazis. Susan Bro has been dealing with the tragic murder of her daughter for less than a week, but already she has appeared on network television multiple times to honor the memory of her daughter and speak out against the fascism she died opposing. But when Bro appeared on Good Morning America on Friday morning, host Robin Roberts wanted to know – had the President attempted to contact her as the White...

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Trump Cuts Obama-Era Regulations Protecting Buildings From Sea Erosion

A report from foreign sources who have met and worked with President Trump said that when it comes to policy created or endorsed by President Obama, Trump only wants to know – “did Obama do this?” “Did Obama like this?” If the answer is “yes,” Trump is immediately against it. It’s why he elected just last week to rescind an Obama-era rule which enables the elderly to sue their nursing homes over neglect and abuse, and it’s why this week, a source revealed that the Trump administration is eliminating an Obama-era rule which requires buildings in flood-prone areas take...

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BREAKING: Van Drives into Crowd In Tourist Area of Barcelona

Local officials have reported that a van drove into a crowded tourist area of Barcelona, Spain on Thursday. The white van mounted a sidewalk in Barcelona’s Las Ramblas district during the popular tourist district’s busiest month of the year. Police say that several people have sustained injuries from the incident, but have not confirmed any numbers. Witnesses say that the van jumped a curb and was traveling quite fast, indicating that it certainly seemed intentional. Police are now saying that the incident is “most likely” a terrorist attack. The road has now been closed off by officials and emergency...

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