Author: Sydney Robinson

Draft-Dodging President Declares Military Will Not Accept Transgender Recruits

On Wednesday morning, President Trump dropped a bombshell on Twitter when he declared that the U.S. Military would not be accepting any transgender recruits at any point in the future, a walk-back from an Obama-era decision that was meant to take place in June. President Trump said that allowing trans Americans to join the military would be nothing more than an expensive distraction from the military’s mission, a deeply uneducated and ignorant statement.   After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow…… — Donald J. Trump...

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Michelle Obama Opens Up About How Racist Attacks Hurt Her

Opening up like never before, Former First Lady Michelle Obama spoke with a crowd in Denver, Colorado on Tuesday about how racial attacks on her appearance by Americans hurt her deeply. The First Lady’s success as the first black women to fill the seat smashed the glass ceiling, but Obama said that her accomplishment was marred somewhat by the falling shards as a result of that smash – deep, racist cuts from her most hateful detractors. The first lady said that it made her feel hopeless at points to know no matter what she did, many would never see...

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BREAKING: Republican Senate Vote to Begin Debate on Mystery Healthcare Bill

On Tuesday afternoon, the Senate voted in favor of moving forward debate about a mystery health care bill, the contents of which none of the Senators who voted for or against it are familiar. While Republicans on the roster (mostly) voted “yea,” Democratic Senators Refused to even cast a vote on the motion, objecting to the vote entirely until Republicans had concluded their voting. At that time, the vote sat at 48 yes, 2 no. Republicans elected to wait for the votes of several missing Senators, including John McCain, an expected “yea,” and Ron Johnson, a possible “nay.” Despite...

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Mad World: GOP Consultant Says Kid Rock Could Easily Win Senate Seat

Last week, rock-country music artist Kid Rock announced that he would be running for Senate in his home state of Missouri. Though some “Sweet Home Alabama” fans cheered, sane Americans recognized that not everyone – especially people who go by the name “Kid” – are qualified to hold public office. But if you were appalled to hear about the Kid’s political ambition, hold onto your hats: according to a GOP consultant, Kid Rock isn’t only planning to run for senate, he’s planning to win. According to Dennis Lennox, a political consultant located in the state where the Kid plans...

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White House So White: Photo of White House Interns Reveal Startling Lack of Diversity

This week, President Donald Trump posed with his administration’s crop of interns, and unsurprisingly, the photo revealed a startling lack of diversity both racially and across gender lines. According to the quick analysis from just looking at the photo, one can easily see that the number of white males far outweighs the number of women, and even more dramatically outweighs the number of minorities. There also appears not to be a single woman of color among the number.   Proud of young people who pursue public interest. But this #WhiteHouse intern photo is shocking & does not reflect diversity...

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