Author: Sydney Robinson

Internet Service Providers Launch Another Attack on Net Neutrality – How You Can Stop It

With so much going on in politics today, it may not seem worth fighting the continued attack on a free and fair internet. But as tech firms, advocates, and popular web sites are attempting to prove, the need to protect net neutrality against corporate encroachment is a vital issue deserving the attention of anyone using the internet today (that means you, fair reader). These firms and websites are arguing that we must pay attention to the latest efforts from Internet Service Providers to regulate and restrict access users have to the internet. Thanks to a new regulation ironically titled...

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Teen Abortion Rates in Texas Are On the Rise: Why Rick Perry is to Blame

Thanks to a regressive Republican Governor who sought to reduce the rate of abortion in his state on moral and religious grounds, the rate of teen abortion is actually on the rise in Texas. This is in stark contrast to the rest of the nation that has seen a steady decline in instances of teen abortion. According to a study from Texas A&M university, in the years since Texas critically gutted their family planning budget and closed more than 80 percent of women’s health clinics in the state, the number of abortions among teenagers has risen three percent.  Comparatively, the...

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We’re Screwed: Planet Facing Mass Extinction And Delaware-Sized Iceberg Breaks from Antarctica

While President Trump continues to refuse to engage in the Paris Climate Accord, orders the expansion of coal-powered factories and reinvigorates offshore oil drilling – our planet is dying. Feeling skeptical? Take a look at two massive environmental news stories that broke just this week: The first involves what scientists are calling the biggest mass extinction the planet has seen since the time of the dinosaurs. This most recent extinction is the sixth observed mass extinction recorded by scientists, and it’s a doozy. According to researchers who have studied animal populations across the globe, a major number of birds,...

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Big Pharma Pays Out $35 Million For Failure to Report Suspicious Drug Orders

A sizable victory in the war against prescription opioid abuse was reached at the Department of Justice on Tuesday. In a landmark case, Mallinckrodt Plc has been ordered to pay the DoJ $35 million to settle allegations that it failed to report suspicious drug orders to the DEA. Mallinckrodt was accused by the DoJ of ignoring a series of suspicious drug orders, orders which made their ways onto the streets and contributed significantly to the illegal sale of generic oxycodone. The DoJ provided evidence that Mallinckrodt allowed increasingly large orders of their generic oxycodone to be distributed without oversight between...

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President Trump On Jr.’s Russia Scandal: “My Son is a High Quality Person”

Responding to the latest reports surrounding the conduct of his son and namesake Donald Trump Jr., President Trump offered little in the way of defense. Instead, Trump issued a simple statement, bizarrely praising his eldest son for his “transparency.” “My son is a high quality person and I applaud his transparency.” A “high quality person”? That was the best he could muster after having called Flynn, a man who is most certainly not his son, a “wonderful man”? Trump’s comments come in response to an ongoing scandal surrounding his son and a meeting he admitted to having with a Russian...

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