Author: Sydney Robinson

Warren Buffett: Trumpcare Should Be Called “Relief for the Rich Act”

Liberal billionaire Warren Buffett spoke out this week in response to the Republican’s latest draft of the AHCA, saying that it should have a much more honest name.  Buffett said that the bill, which would benefit him as well as millionaires and billionaires in the country, would do so at the expense of regular Americans. As it stands now, the AHCA provides major tax cuts to the top two percent while gutting medicaid and kicking more than 20 million off of coverage. As such, Buffett argues it has no business being named “Health Care.” Instead, Buffett argued that the...

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Real Change: France To Bar All Future Exploration For Oil and Gas

Newly-elected French President Emmannuel Macron took decisive action this week to fight climate change in the nation by barring all future permits for exploration into oil and gas sources. Macron made his announcement last week in partnership with ecological transition minister Nicolas Hulot, and shortly after meeting with former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Macron’s announcement is just the latest step in France’s long-term plan to cut fossil fuel consumption in the nation by 50 percent by 2050. The decision to halt all future permits is in association with the established Energy Transaction Act put into place in 2015. Under...

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Fox Pundit Says No Use Estimating How Many People AHCA Will Kill Because “We’re All Going to Die”

In response to a dogged attempt to force through legislation which would leave more than 20 million people in American uninsured, Democrats and health advocates have attempted to illustrate just how damaging the AHCA in its many versions would be by giving a chilling number – the estimate on how many people will die if it is implemented. In response, Republicans are accusing Democrats of being overly dramatic and hyperbolic. Typical. On Fox News Tuesday, co-host Eric Bolling decided to make light of the very real and very deadly issue of healthcare reform by mocking prominent Democrats for estimating...

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Germany Likely to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage This Week

Joining the modern world, Germany is likely to legalize same-sex marriage this week after Chancellor Angela Merkel dropped her opposition to the measure. The vote will be held on Friday in Parliament, a snap referendum hastily assembled once Merkel dropped her public opposition. Social Democrats, Greens, and the Linke Party had a hand in adding the bill to Parliament. The bill is widely supported by most parties and is expected to pass, particularly after Merkel gave members of her own party her blessing to vote their conscience. The basis of Merkel’s previous opposition to the bill was in concern...

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Sanders Seeks Short-Term Healthcare Solutions While Working Toward Single Payer

In the long-term, America is heading toward a single-payer, medicaid-for-all system brought to the public attention like never before by Senator Bernie Sanders in 2015 and 2016. Unfortunately, that is in our distant future. In the short term, America has to deal with a malignant Congress and Executive branch intent on forcing through a murderous healthcare bill which would guarantee a loss of coverage of more than 20 million. Of course, while Republicans continue to debate just how many million over the 20 should be left high and dry, Progressives are seeking ways to protect vulnerable Americans in the...

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