Author: Sydney Robinson

More than 10,000 Millennials Ready to Run For Political Office

Thanks to a wave of political interest surrounding and following President Trump’s victory in November, thousands upon thousands of millennials are ready to run for political office. It seems that Trump and his position of power have had one strong, encouraging outcome: there are now more than 10,000 millennials ready and willing to run for public office. Whether it be for a seat on the city counsel, occupying a state senate chair, or running for Congressman of a district, young voters are turning into young representatives. The increase in interest is twofold; for many, they never imagined themselves running...

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Lacking Consensus, McConnell Delays Healthcare Vote

After having seemed eager to vote on the healthcare bill before the Senate recess for the Fourth of July, Senate leader Mitch McConnell has informed Republicans that the vote for the controversial bill will be delayed until after the holiday.   BREAKING: Mitch McConnell telling Senators vote on health care DELAYED until after July 4th recess: via/ @Phil_Mattingly & @mkraju — Ryan Nobles (@ryanobles) June 27, 2017 After making resolute statements indicating that a vote would most certainly be held this week, McConnell was convinced to delay the vote after two Republican Senators said they would vote “no” on...

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Progressive Warren Returns? Senator Says Democrats Should Campaign on Single-Payer

Senator Elizabeth Warren has had her fair share of progressive accolades and criticisms; she is amazing when it comes to standing up to banking giants and wall street, but when it comes to standing up for social issues like Standing Rocks, she has been disappointingly silent. But on Tuesday, Warren went on-record with a slam dunk of a progressive stance: Democrats must campaign heavily in 2018 and 2020 for single-payer, medicare-for-all healthcare. Warren made her stance clear during an interview with the Wall Street Journal. In the piece, Warren said that President Obama constructed his strategy for the ACA...

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After CBO Estimate, Republicans Turn on Latest Trumpcare Draft

The ongoing mess surrounding the AHCA is beginning to play a big like “Groundhog’s Day”; A new draft of the bill is released, Republicans pretend to love it, the CBO score on the draft is released, a mutiny ensues, and it’s back to the drawing board again. On Monday, the CBO score for the latest version of the AHCA, released just last Thursday, was announced. In it, the Congressional Budget Office discovered that 22 million people would lose coverage and that $722 billion would be cut from Medicaid. This latest estimate shows that the latest draft of the AHCA...

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Sean Spicer: America Either Passes GOP Plan or Adopts Single Payer

During an off-camera, unrecorded briefing with the White House Press Corps on Monday, Press Secretary Sean Spicer said something that has progressives pretty chuffed. While portraying it as a negative, Spicer said that the U.S. had to either adopt the GOP healthcare plan or have the healthcare system go the way of progressive dreams and become a single-payer, medicare-for-all system. Oh, Sean, say it ain’t so! In an attempt to scare Republicans into supporting the current draft of the AHCA (a draft which is being opposed by a handful of Republican Senators who Mitch McConnell must flip for it...

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