Author: Sydney Robinson

Prosecutors Struggle to Find Jurors Who Don’t Already Hate Martin Shkreli

The prosecution pursuing charges of securities fraud against “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli have been having difficulty finding a jury of Shkreli’s peers who don’t already have a negative bias against him. On Monday, jury selection for the trial of Shkreli kicked off, and it wasn’t long before the excitement of seeing Shkreli brought to justice was dampened, ironically, due to how universally reviled he is. Shkreli, who has made a multitude of headlines over the last two years for jacking up the price of a pharmaceutical by more than 5000% and then acting like a huge jerk about it, is...

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Outdated N.C. Law Which Says One Cannot Withdraw Consent During Sex Being Challenged

According to an outdated set of laws in North Carolina, a man or woman cannot legally claim to have been raped, if, at any point, they consented to sex with their partner. This backwards law has had a detrimental effect on more than one legitimate rape case, allowing perpetrators of violent, violating crimes to escape punishment on a confusing technicality. Thanks to current laws in the state, if a person initially granted consent for a sexual act, that consent cannot be revoked, in the eyes of the law, for the remainder of the act. Simply, by consenting at one...

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Court Rules Against Monsanto; Glyphosate to Be Added to California’s Carcinogen List

An effort by chemical giant Monsanto to have their top product glyphosate kept from California’s carcinogen list has been blocked by the courts. The announcement that Roundup would be added to the Proposition 65 list was made on March 28, in response by conclusions from the World Health Organization surrounding recent animal studies which showed exposure to glyphosate caused the growth of irregular cells in lab animals. Monsanto lodged a petition for a review and application for stay in the state’s decision to add glyphosate to their Proposition 65 list of agents known to cause cancer on June 16....

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‘Pharma Bro’ Martin Shkreli’s Trial Begins Today

With so much corruption going on elsewhere, it’s easy to forget once infamous “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli. Fortunately, Shkreli’s trial on charges of securities fraud begins today, hopefully jogging everyones memory about the slimy, criminal creep. Shkreli, who became well known for price-gouging an HIV medication, was arrested in December of 2015 for securities fraud and a host of other charges unrelated to his infamy. Now, the trial for those crimes begins. Shkreli’s trial will cover an ongoing federal investigation into his previous company, Retrophin, which he founded and ran before heading Turing. Shkreli’s charges relate to his decisions...

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SCOTUS Rules Travel Ban In Effect for Visitors Without “Bona Fide” Ties to U.S.

The Supreme Court on Monday handed down several decisions, one of which was to allow certain portions of President Trump’s travel ban to take effect until the court can properly rule on the entire case later this year. In a confusing decision, the courts decided that Trump’s travel ban, referred to by many as a Muslim ban, can be applied on a case-by-case basis. In October, the Supreme Court will hear the entire case and rule on whether or not the ban in its entirety will either be struck down or ruled constitutional. The decision is a surprising and...

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