Author: Sydney Robinson

New Third Leading Cause of Death For American Children: Firearms

Thanks to an uptick in juvenile suicide related to firearms, guns are now the third leading cause of death for children aged 17 and under in America. This disturbing fact was revealed in an analysis conducted in the journal Pediatrics. In the analysis, an upswing in suicides involving guns was a major factor in the conclusion. According to the study, juvenile suicides involving firearms had been on the decline until 2007, at which time it began to dramatically increase. It is important to consider the context that suicide in general among young people is on the rise, with the...

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White House Won’t Allow Any Recording Devices at Today’s Press Briefing

On Thursday, the White House took another step forward in suppressing the public’s access to the Trump administration by ordering that no cameras be allowed to record either video or audio at today’s scheduled press briefing. In a hush-hush memo sent out to members of the White House press corp the night before, those planning to attend Thursday’s press briefing were told not to bother bringing anything more than a pen and paper.   The WH is holding what is essentially a normal briefing in the briefing room but they aren’t allowing cameras to record what’s being said.

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Senate GOP Finally Releases Latest Version of AHCA: Read It Here

On Thursday morning, at long last, the Republican special committee tasked with secretly devising the latest version of the American Health Care Act elected to finally release their latest draft to the public. After seeming as if they might have held a Senate floor vote without ever letting the public see the bill, it is a relief that experts and the public at-large can now examine the nearly 150 pages before next week’s planned vote. You can read the bill in its entirety here. Because of the GOP’s handling of the bill, regular Americans are now excitedly (and anxiously)...

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Tragic Video Shows Philando Castile’s Daughter Comforting Mother After Police Slaying

Now that the case against the police officer who murdered Philando Castile has been brought to an unsatisfying conclusion, alternative footage of the event not previously released has been made public. One video conclusively documents the moment that Castile informed the officer about his legal concealed weapon during what should have been a routine traffic stop. Castile informed the officer that when he was reaching for his identification, he was not reaching for his weapon. Then, several seconds later, the officer opened fire on the man, killing him. While that video is incredibly telling and frustrating, there is another...

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Fearing Backlash, Price-Gouging Pharma Company Investing Heavily in Coal

What do you do when your heartless pharmaceutical company is still feeling the political and financial hit from pointlessly gouging the prices of epi-pens more than six months after the scandal broke? Well, if you’re Mylan Pharmaceuticals, you pad your losses with deep investments in the coal industry! While it may sound like the motives of a badly-constructed super-villain, Mylan has been steadily investing in coal companies over the past six years. This means that though public pressure mounted in a campaign of ill will against Mylan, they were able to continue screwing over consumers while resting easily knowing...

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