Author: Sydney Robinson

New Pro-GMO Doc Narrated by Neil DeGrasse Tyson Leaves Out Half the Debate Over Glyphosate

In the courtroom and in scientific studies, the battle over the carcinogenic effects of Monsanto’s herbicide Glyphosate rages on, but you may not know that at all if you watched the newest pro-GMO documentary narrated by none other than Neil DeGrasse Tyson. According to Food Evolution, the debate over Glyphosate is settled. According to ongoing court cases, that is far from the truth. According to the documentary and Tyson’s relatable voice, the carcinogenic risk of Glyphosate is little to none – at least far less than coffee or salt. The documentary argues in favor of Genetically Modified Organisms and in...

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Could the Media’s Critical Coverage of Bernie & Amazon’s Purchase of Whole Foods be Related?

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos’s influence is far and wide. Not only is he running the most profitable retailer in the western hemisphere, dominating the shopping market in nearly every category (Amazon), but he also owns his own news network (CNN), and recently acquired his own massive, respected chain of grocery stores (Whole Foods). With such an extensive resume, it becomes important that journalists monitor the political and business decisions Bezos makes to ensure that he is not using one wing to bolster the other. The most recent flag to have been raised in progressive media was proposed by Common Dreams....

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Republicans Planning to Vote on AHCA With ZERO Hearings – ACA had 100 Hearings

While the Republican party perpetuated the myth that the Affordable Care Act was foisted through the legislature and into law, the new reality is anything but a myth: Republicans, if they get their way, will pass the American Health Care Act into law without ever once showing the public a single copy of the final bill. Though Mitch McConnell would have you believe the treatment of the ACA and the AHCA in the Senate are one and the same, the numbers don’t lie. Before the ACA, or Obamacare, was passed into law, affecting millions, there were 100 hearings held...

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Berniecrat Taking on Paul Ryan Announced His Candidacy In Stunning New Campaign Ad

Just over two weeks ago, the Ring of Fire reported on an insurgent candidate that was preparing to take on Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in his home district in Wisconsin. At the time, Randy Bryce had not yet launched his candidacy, though he was busy building his team and preparing for his official announcement. Yesterday, Bryce launched his campaign, and with it, released a moving political ad connecting Ryan with the current instability surrounding healthcare in America. Article continues after video.    Holy shit. This ad from @IronStache announcing his run against Paul Ryan is something. Take...

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Bannon Offers Harsh Explanation for Spicer’s Absence From Press Briefings: “Sean Got Fatter”

Speaking via text message to a reporter from The Atlantic, White House adviser Stephen Bannon explained his reasoning for why Press Secretary Sean Spicer hadn’t spent much time in front of the camera as of late: he got fat. Or at least “fatter.” Bannon, who really has no room to talk, reportedly made his comment to the Atlantic over the weekend, in connection with an expose the magazine was writing about Spicer’s evolving role at the White House. Bannon was asked via text why the briefings are now being mostly held off-camera, to which Bannon simply replied, “Sean got...

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