Author: Sydney Robinson

“They Just Wanted to Dance”: Remembering the Victims of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting One Year Later

It was just one year ago today that a horrific massacre was carried out in an Orlando nightclub where the lives of 49 innocent LGBT individuals were stolen by an extremist armed to the gills with firearms. The 49 were young and old, gay and straight, of all races and colors. Many of those killed were Latino, and most were men. All had come to Pulse Nightclub that night to have fun and cut loose during Pride Month, on the specially-themed “Latin night.” The deaths of these 49 innocent individuals was not only a tragedy of a loss of...

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Megyn Kelly In Hot Water For Interviewing Sandy Hook Conspiracist Alex Jones

Over the weekend, controversial news figure Megyn Kelly ruffled feathers when news broke that she had invited conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on her newly-premiered NBC show. Jones, who is an offensive and controversial figure for many reasons, was rejected most outright by NBC viewers for his damaging denial of the Sandy Hook massacre. At the time of the tragic shooting in the elementary school, Jones was the leading voice which argued without evidence that the shooting had been a government-sponsored hoax and that the children and their parents were no more than actors. When he is not actively denying...

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Elderly Doctor Busted For Prescribing Millions of Illegal Opioids

A New York physician was arrested on Monday after police determined that he doled out thousands of illegal prescriptions for opioids over the last several years. Family Doctor Martin Tesher, 81, is suspected of writing as many as 14,000 illegal prescriptions. All told, Tesher handed out 2.2. million oxycodone pills over the span of 5 years. Tesher lacked the specialized training necessary to such a high volume of pain pill prescriptions and distributed drugs indiscriminately, even giving pills to known addicts. James Hunt, the Drug Enforcement Agency’s Special Agent-in-Charge had this to say about the Doctor’s special brand of pain management:...

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Opioids Don’t Care If You’re Rich or Poor, Black or White: Death Rates Rising In All Groups

Thanks to the epidemic created in doctors’ offices and medicine cabinets across the country, the death rate is rising in America for nearly every racial and economic group, even among Americans who are in their prime. When it comes to addicting opioids, the pills don’t care if you’re rich or poor, black or white – it will come for us all. That is, if we allow ourselves to become addicted through a series of unfortunate events beginning with greedy pharmaceutical companies and ending with a lack of social programs to treat addiction. According to the latest numbers from the...

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Texas Enacts Law Requiring Aborted & Miscarried Fetuses Be Given Funerals

Republicans in Texas have again attacked abortion rights with a particularly nefarious piece of legislation signed into law on Tuesday. Governor Greg Abbott signed SB8 into law, a piece of legislation which sets severe, manipulative restrictions on women seeking abortions. The law was supported by the majority of Republicans in the legislature. Simply, the law requires that fetal tissue of any sort must be disposed of via cremating, burying, or entombing. Even more simply, women who obtain an abortion or experience a miscarriage must hold a funeral of sorts for the life that never was. Other aspects of the...

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