Author: Sydney Robinson

Republican Rep. Says God Will Take Care of Climate Change – If it Actually Exists

A Republican Congressman this week managed to perfectly meld evangelical extremism and climate change denial in one misguided statement, arguing that if climate change is real, that God would handle it. Congressman Tim Walberg of Michigan made his godly argument during a town hall event in Coldwater, Michigan last Friday. Walberg argued that climate change was a natural system that ebbs and flows regardless of human activity, and that God, not man, can control the warming of the planet. Walberg, a noted skeptic like many in the GOP, shocked constituents when he said that he did indeed believe in climate change...

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Clinton Throws Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Under the Bus: “I Inherited Nothing”

As it turns out, even when you rig a primary for a candidate and give her nothing but positive support, she may still turn on you. In a tell-all interview conducted on Wednesday, former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton blamed the DNC structure, in part, for her presidential loss. Clinton contended that when she joined the 2016 race as the Democratic nominee, she felt the DNC was sorely unprepared to run a competitive election. In the face of their apparent incompetence, Clinton said she and her team had to build their campaign from the ground up. “So I’m now the...

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New Berniecrat Onboard: Tom Perriello for Virginia

Though many of the special elections by Berniecrats have come and gone, often to disappointing result, Senator Bernie Sanders is gearing up for yet another race with yet another promising progressive, this time in Virginia. Though the 2018 election is just under a year and a half away, the race for who will be the Democratic nominee for Virginia’s next governor is heating up, and in the running is progressive Tom Perriello. Periello, a former Congressman, is competing in the Democratic primary against a more traditional, centrist Democrat in Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam. The race is being seen as...

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Trumpcare Wants to Let Your Employer Decide What Birth Control You Have Access To

The Republican party’s assault on reproductive rights has a new ally in the Republican replacement for Obamacare. According to a leaked draft of the latest version of the American Health Care Act, AKA Trumpcare, if passed, the legislation would give employers a field day when it comes to birth control access to employees. If passed in its current form, the AHCA would allow employers to opt out from providing insurance coverage for birth control and contraceptives. “It’s just a very, very, very broad exception for everybody,” Tim Jost, a health law professor at Washington and Lee University, told Vox....

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Startup Company Brings Pharmaceutical Ads to Your Doctor’s Waiting Room

As if the barrage of pharmaceutical ads on our television screens wasn’t enough, a start-up company is now seeking to inundate doctor’s offices nationwide with tablets featuring pharmaceutical ads and clinical trial sign-ups alongside articles about health and nutrition. Outcome Health is filling doctors offices and waiting rooms with tablets complete with fun, interactive articles on exercises and recipes. The tablets are next to piles of magazines and tissue boxes in order to give waiting patients something to do, but the simple device that helps you pass the time while waiting to see your doctor has a nefarious purpose...

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