Author: Sydney Robinson

Trump Urging World Leaders to Call His Personal Cell Phone

During Trump’s 9-day international tour in which he visited the home of the world’s three major religions, rubbed a glowing orb, was jilted by his wife, and made a big money deal with Saudi Arabia, the POTUS also reportedly tried to trade phone numbers with fellow world leaders at NATO. On Tuesday, it was reported by the Associated Press that Trump had attempted to hand out his personal cell phone number to world leaders, urging them to contact him directly, bypassing the usual decorum and ceremony involved in such conversations. Of course, the wish for a personal, private connection...

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The Paris Climate Accord Will Survive Without the U.S.

With the news that President Trump will likely remove the United States from the Paris Climate Accord in the coming days, many are concerned about what the decision will mean for globally combating climate change and slowing the march of environmental decay. Though the U.S.’s refusal to participate is troubling and signals a major step back for America, the Paris Climate Agreement may end up being better off without us, at least while we are ruled by an anti-science egomaniac. President Trump signaled last week that he may be wavering on whether or not to remove the U.S. from the...

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Congressman Darrell Issa Hides From Angry Constituents on Roof of District Office

On Tuesday afternoon, Congressman Darrell Issa responded to the inquiries of his constituents in a unique way – by hiding out on the roof of his District office in California. The Republican Congressman hid out on the roof of his office on Tuesday in response to a group of angry voters who appeared at his office hoping to share their gripes with the elected official who has refused to hold a Town Hall in recent months. The hundreds of protesters who waited outside Issa’s office were promptly ignored by Issa who chose to hang out on the roof of...

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Trump’s Mind Made Up on Paris Climate Agreement – U.S. Will Likely Withdraw

Though President Trump indicated in some ways last week that he may be taking a new view on the Paris Climate Agreement, the President has reportedly told many close to him that he will be withdrawing the U.S. from the international agreement soon. According to several sources close to the President, Trump has been telling anyone and everyone that he will be taking the U.S. from the newly established climate agreement. Reportedly, Trump has even told EPA administrator Scott Pruitt that he plans to remove the U.S. from the agreement, a decision of which Pruitt most certainly approves. Despite these...

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Tamir Rice’s Murderer Has Been Fired After Internal Investigation

The police officer who fatally shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice has been fired from the Cleveland Police Department after an internal investigation over an unrelated matter. Officer Timothy Loehmann was fired on Tuesday after an internal investigation concluded that he had violated rules while applying to be a cadet, an offense unrelated to the unjustifiable slaying of the pre-teen boy in 2015. The officer who accompanied Loehmann during the time when Rice was shot and killed, Frank Garmback, is also being disciplined in relation to the shooting, as the department concluded that he drove too close to Tamir. For that offense,...

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