Author: Sydney Robinson

Crowded Race: 22 Candidates Seek to Fill Chaffetz’s Seat

Echoing the Republican primary on the national stage, the number of candidates seeking to fill the gap left behind by Congressman Jason Chaffetz is massive. So far, 22 individuals have put their name in the hat hoping to become the next Utah Congressperson. Among the crowded contest are 15 Republicans, four Democrats, two independents, and one Libertarian. Frontrunners in the race so far appear to be Provo Mayor John Curtis and state Senator Deirdre Henderson, both Republicans. Curtis has a reputation as a strong leader after serving eight years as mayor of the state’s third-largest city. Henderson is a...

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Cory Booker is a DNC Hyped-Up Fraud

This week, while President Trump continued to manhandle his way through the presidency and tear a Trump-sized hole in the tattered remains of our Democracy, some Democrats have walked back earlier statements and are claiming that love, sweet love is what will defeat Trump in the end. Heading up the pack of remorseful, Kumbaya Democrats is corporatist Senator Cory Booker. Booker, who has consistently sided against Americans in favor of his corporate sponsors like Big Pharma, admitted this week that he deeply regrets calling President Trump a “liar.” Despite the fact that Trump is 100% a liar, Booker said...

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Illinois Set to Implement Automatic Voter Registration

Though many states are seeking to limit the number of residents who may vote, the state of Illinois is gearing up to automate the entire process, guaranteeing that voting in future elections will be far more convenient and simple than ever before. The Illinois House and Senate both passed legislation which, if made law, would automate the process of voter registration, ensuring that any eligible resident who visits the Secretary of State’s office or several other state agencies will be automatically registered to vote. This automatic process will apply to any and all eligible residents unless they purposefully opt...

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Sheriff Clarke Sicced Deputies On Man Who Looked at Him Wrong On Airline Flight

President Donald Trump’s favorite Sheriff (now that Sherriff Joe Arpaio has been unseated), Sheriff David Clarke, exercised an especially egregious display of force in January which is just now being fully investigated. On January 15, Clarke elected to instigate a conflict with one of his fellow passengers by ordering one of his captains to detain and question a man he felt was staring at him too intently. In response to the egregious overstep of power, Clarke’s victim Dan Black is suing the Sheriff, his deputies, and Milwaukee County for falsely detaining him. According to Black, the conflict began when...

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Texas Gov. Carries Bullet-Riddled Target Practice Sheet & ‘Jokes’ About Shooting Reporters

Texas Governor Greg Abbott had a bit of fun with the ongoing outrage surrounding Montana’s newest Congressman’s violent attack against a Reporter on Wednesday. Echoing similar jokes from other elected officials regarding Greg Gianforte’s assault of a reporter, Abbott took the joke a bit further by carrying around a target practice sheet riddled with bullet holes. To cameras, Abbott said he was carrying the paper “just in case” he came upon a reporter. “I’m gonna carry this around in case I see any reporters,” said Abbott. "I'm gonna carry this around in case I see any reporters," @GovAbbott joked. —...

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