Author: Sydney Robinson

Paul Ryan Says He’s ‘Comforted’ By New Report Showing 23 Million Will Lose Health Insurance

On Wednesday, when the Congressional Budget Office released their newest estimate of the effects of the latest version of Trumpcare to pass the House, many were devastated at the perceived consequences of the rushed-through bill. But while many were panicking at the thought of 23 million Americans losing their health insurance coverage in the next few years, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said that the numbers in the CBO “comforted” him. According to several reporters on the Hill, Ryan responded to the ominous CBO report by saying that he was comforted by the numbers coming from the official...

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Spineless Paul Ryan Won’t Call For Resignation of Gianforte – Will Accept Him If He Wins

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan wouldn’t call for the resignation of Montana Congressional candidate Greg Gianforte despite the fact that Gianforte violently assaulted a Guardian reporter Wednesday evening. Ryan answered questions from the press on Thursday regarding the scandal, saying that it is now up to the people of Montana whether or not Gianforte might be made a member of the House that Ryan leads. Ryan made it clear that he does not approve of “physical altercations” in any form, but did not extend his condemnation to the aggressor Gianforte. “There’s never a call for physical altercation. There is no...

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Sean Hannity Takes Abrupt Vacation After Seth Rich Hysteria & Advertiser Exodus

The last big name at Fox News may be on his way out. After weeks of leading a hysterical conspiracy-theory against a dead man, Hannity is taking a hiatus from his show “Hannity,” making many wonder if he will be coming back to the show at all. Though officials at Fox say that Hannity’s vacation is truly that – a vacation – dropping Fox ratings and more public embarrassment has some wondering if Hannity may be going the way of O’Reilly. As viewership for Fox continues to plummet weekly, host Sean Hannity has been trying to win viewers the...

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Fox News Reporter Shares Disturbing Account of Gianforte’s Violent Assault of Guardian Reporter

You know things are bad when even Fox News isn’t siding with the GOP candidate. Then again, it takes a particularly bad person to look unjust violence in the face and pretend it never happened. On Wednesday evening, the news and media world was rocked when a congressional candidate in a Montana special election lashed out in violence at a reporter from the Guardian, bodyslamming him and breaking his glasses for asking a question. Immediately, the candidate, Greg Gianforte, provided a conflicting report of the clash, knowing that no video existed of the attack. Unfortunately for Gianforte, the man...

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Montana GOP Candidate Bodyslams Reporter For Daring to Ask About Healthcare Bill

The race was so close to being over, but it appears that the pressures of an unexpectedly heavily competitive congressional race in Montana was too much for GOP Candidate Greg Gianforte who reportedly violently assaulted a reporter from the Guardian just a day before the election. According to eyewitness testimony from several other reporters on the scene, including ones from Fox News, Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs was thrown violently to the ground, his glasses broken, after attempting to ask Gianforte where he stood on the healthcare bill now that the CBO report had been released.   Greg Gianforte just body...

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