Author: Sydney Robinson

Texas Sheriff Makes Asinine Suggestion that More Guns Could’ve Stopped Manchester Bombing

Any time there is a terrorist attack or mass shooting, the U.S is treated to a lively debate over guns and whether or not they should be handed out like candy. It’s boring, it goes nowhere, and sometimes, it makes no damn sense. That’s what happened this week in response to the Manchester Arena Bombing when a Texas Sheriff posted on his public Facebook page blaming the attack on political correctness, liberals, and, somehow, the lack of guns in the arena. Denton County Sheriff Tracy Murphree took to his social media page to express his political outrage concerning the...

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Insurgent Progressive Wins Deeply Republican Assembly Seat In New York

Amid the slow trickle of Democrat opposition in small races across the country, progressives experienced a watershed moment on Tuesday evening with the upset win by Democrat Christine Pellegrino for a deeply red New York Assembly seat. Pellegrino, a union-backed progressive, soundly defeated Republican opponent Tom Gargiulo on Tuesday in the 9th Assembly District special election. Pellegrino took the seat with 58 percent of the vote to Gargiulo’s 42 percent, a strong win. The 9th Assembly District’s special election is one in a long string of races that have seen traditional Republican candidates pitted against unexpectedly strong Democratic opponents. Bolstered...

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Trump Can’t Keep His Mouth Shut: Shares Military Secrets With Philippine President

It hasn’t been that long since President Trump revealed top secret information belonging to Israel to the Russian Ambassador, and already, Trump has whispered more sensitive information to close friend and murderous dictator President Rodrigo Duterte. During a telephone call between the two leaders on April 29, Trump bragged about the U.S. decision to deploy two submarines to the coast of North Korea just as conflicts appeared to be escalating there. At the time, it was not well known that such military action was taking placed. “We have two submarines — the best in the world. We have two nuclear...

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Cop Who Killed Terence Crutcher Will Return to Force & Receive Back-Pay

In yet another blow to the family of Terence Crutcher, the officer who killed the innocent man will be allowed to remain in her field and will be paid back-pay for the period she was suspended. Last week when Officer Betty Shelby was acquitted of charges related to the slaying of black man Terence Crutcher, many reacted with disappointment, but not surprise. Shelby’s ‘not guilty’ charge represents a long, established precedent of violent, unstable police officers facing little to no consequences for their actions. Unfortunately, the betrayal experienced by Crutcher’s family and all others invested in this case was magnified...

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White House Budget Seeks to Slash AIDS Treatment Programs

While President Trump is abroad meeting world and religious leaders, those still here in America are currently panicking about the White House’s brand new budget which features a host of dangerous cuts and massive miscalculations. Among those dangerous cuts is a proposed cut to investments into HIV prevention and treatment across the globe, a program which currently costs the U.S. $6 billion per year. The money is well spent, going towards antiretroviral drugs which treat approximately 11.5 million people infected with H.I.V. per year. Without these treatments, most would die. If Trump’s budget were to be implemented, the program...

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