Author: Sydney Robinson

Sen. Rand Paul Demands A Vote Be Held On Saudi Arms Deal

Senator Rand Paul is not a fan of big government or overreach – he stands up against it when it’s a good idea and bad. Today, it would seem he is standing up for a good reason – because he feels the United States should not agree to the biggest arms deal in history with an antagonist nation without the approval of the Senate. In this end, Sen. Paul plans to demand a vote on the Senate floor today, hoping to stop the massive trade of money and arms. According to Bloomberg reporter Kevin Cirilli, Paul will file a...

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Opponent of Bernie-Backed Democrat Pulls Dirty Tricks to Steal Votes

A Republican in a Montana congressional race is reportedly pulling some dirty tricks to try and win against his Bernie-backed Democrat opponent. According to the firsthand experience of Wonkette owner and editor Rebecca Schoenkopf, Montana congressional candidate Greg Gianforte appears to be employing a particularly dishonest tactic in a last-ditch effort to regain the lead – misleading Democratic voters about the date of the very election. Schoenkopf wrote about her experience in a satirical article published in the delightful Wonkette, explaining that her boyfriend and Montana resident received a phone call on Monday which asked who he was supporting...

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ACLU Suing Florida City Over Panhandling Ban On Free Speech Grounds

The American Civil Liberties Union has launched a lawsuit against the city of Pensacola, Florida, over a recently passed ordinance which would ban all forms of panhandling. The ACLU warned the city before the ordinance was passed that it would be direct violation of the Constitution, but after much consideration, and with the blessing of Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward, the Pensacola city council passed the ordinance. Now, without intervention from the courts, all forms of panhandling would be banned within city limits. After the ordinance was passed, the council agreed to a “grace period” before implementing the policy. During...

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Alabama Set to Restore Voting Rights to Thousands of Felons

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey is expected to sign a bill into law this week which would restore voting rights to thousands of felons. The bill, the Definition of Moral Turpitude Act, would free thousands from voter disenfranchisement by strictly defining previously widely applied language which had until now barred all felons from ever voting. In Alabama, the language in the state’s constitution which bars felons from voting vaguely states “no person convicted of a felony of moral turpitude” may vote. Under this umbrella term, the state has applied “moral turpitude” to any felony, meaning that any and all felonies result in...

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Flynn Pleads The Fifth: Refuses Subpoena To Speak About Trump and Russia

Former NSA Director and now unemployed foreign agent Michael Flynn has announced that he will not cooperate with Senate investigations nor consent to a subpoena issued last week for his testimony. In response to the subpoena, Flynn’s lawyers said that he will invoke his Fifth amendment right and will choose to remain silent through testimony, as well as refusing to hand over personal documents that may be incriminating.   BREAKING: AP Source: Michael Flynn to decline Senate Intel committee subpoena, invoke 5th Amendment later today. — The Associated Press (@AP) May 22, 2017 “He will not be producing the...

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