Author: Sydney Robinson

Trayvon Martin’s Brother Carries His Legacy Through Mentorship & Advocacy

When 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was gunned down in Florida by George Zimmerman, one of the family members he left behind was older brother Jahvaris Fulton. Fulton, who was 21 at the time, was always a quiet and reserved member of the family. The last one, his mother said, she would picture becoming an activist. “I never would have seen him as a public speaker or as a person who would speak out against things prior to his brother’s death,” Sybrina Fulton said. “It’s the passion and the love he has for his brother that’s made him feel compelled to speak...

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Turkish Guards Violently Beat Protesters in D.C. – POTUS Does Nothing

While our president is eager to tweet about how persecuted he is or remind us that he won the 2016 election, he apparently has not a word to spare to condemn the actions by a foreign government against U.S. citizens committed just miles from the White House. Earlier this week, the Turkish President appeared to order his guards to attack a small group of protesters in D.C., an act of violence which he witnessed and sanctioned. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had entered the U.S. on a state visit, and had earlier in the day joined President Trump in the White...

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Juror Who Cleared Terence Crutcher’s Murderer Says He Voted ‘Not Guilty’ Because He Was Hungry

On Wednesday, when the verdict on Officer Betty Shelby’s manslaughter case was read out, the grieving family of Terence Crutcher found that their grief had been magnified – the woman who murdered their son, father, brother, was cleared of all charges. Though the ruling was not wholly unexpected, after all, police are almost never held accountable for their actions when it comes to the wanton murder of black men and women, Crutcher’s family and many watching the trial had allowed themselves to hope that justice may win. They were sorely disappointed. But new details have emerged from the jury which...

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Predator Bill O’Reilly Says Hatred Toward Predator Ailes Is What Killed Him

In the wake of disgraced former Fox President Roger Ailes’ death from a fall in his Florida home, long-time fellow sexual predator and colleague Bill O’Reilly has come to his defense, arguing that it is haters who killed Roger, not his hemophilia. In an op-ed published in USA Today, O’Reilly argued that his fellow oppressor of women was a great guy who was unfairly persecuted thanks to the current culture of technology and social media. “The downside of that is turning us into a nation where hatred is almost celebrated in some quarters. Roger Ailes experienced that hatred and...

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Why Is the U.S. Failing At Keeping Mothers Alive During Childbirth?

Despite flaunting advanced science and investments into quality of life, the United States is still woefully behind much of the developed world when it comes to keeping mothers alive during childbirth. As ProPublica notes, while other advanced nations continue to see their maternal mortality rates drop, the U.S. has seen a sharp upswing in deaths and near-deaths between 2000 and 2014. “American women are more than three times as likely as Canadian women to die in the maternal period (defined by the Centers for Disease Control as the start of pregnancy to one year after delivery or termination), six...

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