Author: Sydney Robinson

Trump To Spend Just 15 Minutes at Holocaust Museum During Trip Abroad

During his ever-shortening international trip, President Trump may spend just 15 minutes at Israel’s Holocaust Museum, a time-saving measure that will only reflect badly on the suffering administration. Reportedly, Trump’s team plans to shorten his trip to the museum to 15 minutes, just long enough for him to sign the guest book, make some brief remarks, and skedaddle. As ThinkProgress noted, both President Obama and President George W. Bush both spent an hour or more at the Yad Vashem museum, taking a tour and giving speeches. “The duration of his visit—shorter than his time spent schmoozing with the New...

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Female Cop Who Murdered Unarmed Black Man Terence Crutcher Found Not Guilty

The female police officer who opened fire on an unarmed black man in Tulsa, Oklahoma has been found not guilty of manslaughter. Despite clear video evidence which showed Officer Betty Shelby opening fire on a retreating Terence Crutcher, the Oklahoma Jury returned the verdict and cleared the officer of all charges. The family of Crutcher were outraged at the verdict – how could clear video evidence showing a police officer opening fire on an innocent man be anything but murder? In fact, the case of Crutcher should have been clear-cut. Police were called to the scene of a stalled...

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Criminal Flynn Told to “Stay Strong” By Criminal Trump Administration

One of the biggest mysteries of the ongoing scandal concerning the Trump administration and the Russians is why, exactly, Trump has shown such unwavering loyalty to Michael Flynn. Despite being forced to fire his NSA director, and finding out shortly that Flynn was a foreign agent for Turkey and even used that relationship to influence the president into making foreign affair and military decisions, Trump still has nothing but kind words to say about his former employee. In fact, Trump is so devoted to Flynn that he risked incriminating both Flynn and himself this week when he passed a message...

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U.S. Turns Away Gay Refugees Seeking Asylum From Torture & Murder

Our president may proclaim that he is pro-LGBT when the moment is right, but the reality is that gay men are arriving on our shores desperate for safety right now, and we are turning them away. According to Buzzfeed, approximately 40 gay men have fled Chechnya under fear of torture and death, and those seeking visas to other nations are having no luck reaching out to either the EU or the United States. The 40 or so Chechens are now hiding in different parts of Russia, hoping desperately to secure documentation to allow them to flee for their lives....

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Watch Live: New Episode of “America’s Lawyer” Is On Now!

Tonight on “America’s Lawyer,” host Mike Papantonio explores a major issue that the NRA doesn’t want you to know about. Popular firearm brand Remington is in hot water after thousands of gun owners have complained that their rifles discharged without anyone pressing the trigger. While thousands of defective rifles have been discovered and dismantled, experts say millions more could be in consumers’ homes, awaiting disaster. Later, Papantonio will explore environmental corruption in the White House. Dow Chemical is attempting to capitalize on the especially corrupt administration in order to bypass scientific study and common sense in order to push their dangerous...

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